字词 | 敬业 |
释义 | 敬业【英】to be dedicated to work; to work diligently; dedication to work译文来源Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 50, 177. 定义敬业(to be dedicated to work, to work diligently, dedication to work)是一个道德的范畴,是一个人对自己所从事的工作负责或不负责的态度。敬业就是人们在某集体的工作当中,严格遵守职业道德的工作态度。具体来说,敬业就是在职业活动领域,树立主人翁责任感、事业心,追求崇高的职业理想;培养认真踏实、恪尽职守、精益求精的工作态度。它的构成包括:第一,职业理想:即人们对所从事的职业和要达到的成就的向往和追求,是成就事业的前提,能引导从业者高瞻远瞩,志向远大。第二,立业意识:即确立职业和实现目标的愿望。其意义在于利用职业理想目标的激励导向作用,激发从业者的奋斗热情并指引其成才方向。第三,职业信念:即对职业的敬重和热爱之心,表示对事业的迷恋和执著的追求。第四,从业态度:即持恒稳定的工作态度。勤勉工作,笃行不倦,脚踏实地,任劳任怨。第五,职业情感:即人们对所从事职业的愉悦的情绪体验,包括职业荣誉感和职业幸福感。第六,职业道德:人们在职业实践中形成的行为规范(《敬业》,via: http://baike.sogou.com/v252058.htm?fromTitle=%E6%95%AC%E4%B8%9A)。它的基本要求是:第一,有巩固的专业思想,热爱本职工作,忠于职守,持之以恒;第二,有强烈的事业心,尽职尽责,全心全意为人民服务。第三,有勤勉的工作态度,脚踏实地,无怨无悔。第四,有旺盛的进取意识,不断创新,精益求精。第五,有无私的奉献精神,公而忘私,忘我工作(《敬业》,via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=x1E3w0qlQEwUEOrSAjiOdcc1kZKRfR4C6E-3TnNVTUVeVwW65_rF_3vzOkw4Nq3j-4D_nOJrlxuf_h1OC-tGE6labZizpq4MtTgQ9Cri0hO)。 定义来源[1] 敬业.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v252058.htm?fromTitle=%E6%95%AC%E4%B8%9A 例句1. 广大劳动模范和先进人物要珍惜荣誉、再接再厉,爱岗敬业、无私奉献,做坚定理想信念的模范、勤奋劳动的模范、增进团结的模范。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:46-47 1. Model workers and other role models should cherish the honor conferred upon them and deliver an even better performance. They should be dedicated to work and make selfless contributions, and become pacesetters, having firm vision and conviction, working hard and promoting unity. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 50. 2. 全国道德模范就是其中的优秀代表。你们或充满爱心、助人为乐,或见义勇为、舍生忘死,或诚实守信、坚守正道,或敬业奉献、虔诚勤勉,或孝老爱亲、血脉情深。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:158 2. National ethical models are outstanding representatives of these people. Some of you have hearts of gold and are always ready to help others; some act bravely for a just cause without considering personal safety; some are honest and trustworthy, and keep to the right way; some work diligently at their post dedicating their lives to serving the public; and some treat the elderly and their relatives with filial respect. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 176-177. 3. 我们要按照党的十八大提出的培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的要求,高度重视和切实加强道德建设,推进社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德教育,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善等基本道德规范,培育知荣辱,讲正气,作奉献,促和谐的良好风尚。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:159 3. In line with the requirement to cultivate and practice the core socialist values raised at the Party’s 18th national Congress, we should pay close attention to advocating socialist morals, intensify education in public morality professional ethics, family virtues and individual integrity, promote basic moral standards such as patriotism, dedication to work, integrity and friendliness, and cultivate social trends of recognizing honor and disgrace, practicing integrity, encouraging dedication and promoting harmony. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 177. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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