

字词 救赎论


doctrine of redemption


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:688.
[2] Redemption (theology). via:


指基督教神学基本课题之一。中世纪救赎论思想或称义神学思想导源于圣奥古斯丁(St.Augusinte)。通过佩拉纠之争,奥古斯丁确立了基督教作为恩典宗教的拉丁神学范式,使西方称义神学从事功成义走上恩典成义(即因信称义)的轨道,而通过多那图危机,奥古斯丁确立了教会及其圣事圣礼在救赎论上的权威及效力,两次教会危机的直接后果产生了救赎论上的两大权威¾¾上帝及其教会。(1)中世纪早期的救赎论:中世纪初期,教皇大格利高里一世(Gregoyr l)清楚地表达了恩典学说:上帝出于不可思议的目的,预先拣选一些人,同时又公正地让另外一些人生活在罪中,上帝的恩典并非不可抗拒。“没有上帝的恩典,我们便不可能行任何善事,但我们的善行不仅是上帝的,也是我们的,他把它们看成是我们的功劳,当作完全是我们所做的报赏我们。”格利高里改造了奥古斯丁的拣选理论,减轻了恩典不可抗拒带来的负面影响,掩盖了预定灭亡的含义,克服了圣礼恩典无用的观念,为人的善功留出了余地。格利高里还将拉丁教会中潜在的炼狱说正式提升为一项教义,他认为作为死亡和审判之间的存在,炼狱能减轻某些较轻的罪过,这对信仰来说是必不可少的。尽管奥古斯丁恩典论被“公教会”所修改,但6世纪初不乏彻底的奥古斯丁主义者,如鲁斯皮的弗尔根休斯(Fulgentius,公元468-533年)原封不动地保存了奥古斯丁学说的真谛(张仕颖,2012:23);(2)中世纪鼎盛期的救赎论:如果说中世纪早期救赎论还处于保存奥古斯丁传统并有新的尝试之中,那么中世纪鼎盛期救赎论则是有意识地去解决奥古斯丁救赎论遗留的间题:上帝恩典与教会权威如何协调,人的作为与上帝的拣选在救恩计划中应扮演何种角色?在中世纪教会的正统教导中,堕落的罪人若想称义获救,必须满足以下条件:①教会之外无救恩,加人教会生命就有了保障,免遭魔鬼的侵袭。②教会及其圣礼是恩典施行的惟一渠道,医治恩典的注人有赖于它,这是拯救之窄门。③罪人的意志自由地脱离罪恶并转向上帝,从而与上帝的恩典进行伦理上的合作。④罪所产生的罪疚通过行补赎礼,向教士告罪,由教士的免罪宣告来赦免,罪获赦免的确定性需要教士的认可(张仕颖,2012:25);(3)中世纪末期的救赎论:一般来说,中世纪末期的称义神学进一步发展了托马斯·阿奎纳的奥古斯丁综合,同时并举上帝和教会权威,坚持和发展了人神协作共同走向拯救的理论(syengrism),恩典与功德仍被视为虔敬思想的主要内容。中世纪末期的称义神学主要有三条路线,以奥卡姆的威廉及其弟子迎伯列·比尔(Gabriel Biel)为代表的奥卡姆主义路线,以彼得·奥利俄莱(Pete:Auriole,公元1280-1322年)为代表的托马斯主义路线,和以黎尼米的格里高利(Gergoyrofi Rmin)为代表的奥古斯丁¾¾司各脱路线(张仕颖,2012:34)。




1. 我们知道,费尔巴哈哲学中存在着两条思路:一是自然决定论的唯物主义直观描述逻辑;二是人的类本质异化的人本学价值批判逻辑。相对而言,后者对马克思的影响更大。这一点,麦克莱伦注意到了。费尔巴哈批判黑格尔,指认出他的绝对理念辩证法是神正论的另一种精致的理论确认:《现象学》是他的出世说,《逻辑学》是造物主(体)的创世原点,真实的自然与社会历史倒成为异化主体在现世物役救赎的历程(必然王国),最终在思辨的“绝对精神”觉醒中扬弃异化重新回到绝对观念的“上帝之城”(自由王国)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:144

1. There are two lines of thinking in Feuerbachian philosophy: the first is materialist, sensuous descriptive logic of natural determinism; the second is the humanist value critique logic of the alienation of man’s species-essence. The second of these lines of thinking had the greatest influence on Marx. This is a point that McLellan has already Taade clear. Feuerbach criticized Hegel, pointing out that his dialectic of the Absolute Idea was just another exquisite theoretical representation of theodicy: Phenomenology was his creation story, Science of Logic described the moment of creation of the Creator (the subject), real nature and social history became the process of the alienated subject in the redemption of the world from enslavement to material (the Kingdom of Necessity), finally in the process of sublimation and alienation, the speculative Absolute Spirit awakens and returns to the City of God of the Absolute Idea (Kingdom of Freedom). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 101.


例句 1:
As an important aesthetic theory in the history of Western thought, Aesthetic Salvation is a response, as well a reflection to the dilemma of modernity. It has produced significant and profound impact on contemporary aesthetic theory and artistic practice.

例句 2:
Christianity derives from Judaism and absorbs the main ideas of monotheism, contract theory, the doctrine of redemption, and  reinterprets its doctrines in accordance with the new situations with the developments of times, but breaks the theory of Chosen People in Judaism.

例句 3:
One of the important issues in the Christian-Confucian dialogue is how Confucians understand the Christian concept of “salvation”. Although Confucians do not usually accept the existence of God, they seek for unity between Heaven and human beings, and this is similar to Christian salvation in terms of ultimate aim.





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