

字词 归纳定义(递归定义)


inductive definition; recursive definition


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:482.
[2] Recursive definition. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_definition




[1] 《哲学研究》编辑部编.苏联哲学资料选辑 第十辑[M].上海人民出版社,1965.
[2] 归纳定义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=EdiGvSVPKHEGTt9O1NXiM2qeAZ1Gr3X2FlWGPMDTa_Q8GggflqOO3Ne1_Xe2lcUM_OytDlJP-wJ4-CpBAxQe4IBuGe4ZVOS0Ix1cxkqoldnOsUnS4P6ddSa99h1-upLJ
[3] 王元元,张桂芸.计算机科学中的离散结构[M].机械工业出版社,2004.


1. 按照他的学说,感觉是完全可靠的,是一切知识的泉源。科学是实验的科学,科学就在于用理性方法去整理感性材料。归纳、分析、比较、观察和实验是理性方法的主要条件。在物质的固有的特性中,运动是第一个特性而且是最重要的特性,——这里所说的运动小仅是机械的和数学的运动,而且更是趋向、生命力、紧张,或者用雅科布·伯麦的话来说,是物质的痛苦。物质的原始形式是物质内部所固有的、活生生的、本质的力量,这些力量使物质获得个性,并造成各种特殊的差异。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1973:163

1. According to him the senses are infallible and the source of all knowledge. All science is based on experience, and consists in subjecting the data furnished by the senses to a rational method of investigation. Induction, analysis, comparison, observation, experiment, are the principal forms of such a rational method. Among the qualities inherent in matter, motion is the first and foremost, not only in the form of mechanical and mathematical motion, but chiefly in the form of an impulse, a vital spirit, a tension or a ‘Qual’, to use a term of Jakob Bohme's-of matter. The primary forms of matter are the living, individualising forces of being inherent in it and producing the distinctions between the species. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 2): The Holy Family, 1973: 128.

2. 在毛主义者的文件中,道德标准同更为严肃的马克思主义范畴掺和在一起,这一特征如此醒目,正如施拉姆说过的那样:细想一下毛在20世纪50年底提出的、今天仍被沿用的所谓“黑五类”的定义:地主、富农、反革命、坏分子和右派。在这些范畴中,其中有两个是社会学意义上的、两个是政治意义上的,还有一个是道德意义上的。毛在把它们归并在一起的时候,似乎并没有觉察有任何矛盾或问题。难道他或许并不认为革命是无产阶级、农民和好人的事业?毛实际上与刘少奇共同使用了正是中国的、而且确切地就是孔子的概念,即认为把一个人的内在道德世界与他的外部行为和他的政治活动领域截然分开是不可能的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:243

2. It is striking how moral criteria are intermingled in Maoist documents with more strictly Marxist categories. As Schram has said: Consider the definition which Mao put forward in the 1950s for the so-called ‘five bad elements’, still used today. Landlords, rich peasant, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and rightists. Two of these categories are sociological, two political and one moral. Mao did not appear to see any contradiction or problem in lumping them all together. Did he not perhaps see the revolution as the work of proletarians, peasants and good men? Does not all the available evidence suggest that Mao in fact shared with Liu Shaoch’i the very Chinese and indeed Confucian notion that it is impossible to separate the inner moral world of the individual from his outward behaviour and from the political realm as a whole. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 255-256.


例句 1:
With the basis of inductive definition on related basic concept of interest pricing ability, this article tried to comprehensive analysis on the elements which affecting the interest pricing ability of local financial institutions, built a interest pricing ability evaluation index system by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Some advices were given at last.

例句 2:
Based on the theoretical formula of fluid force acting on a lateral vibrating cylinder immersed in unbounded fluids,expressions for dimensionless dynamically additive mass and damping are obtained by inductive definition and non-dimensionalization.The dynamic characteristics of a lateral vibrating cylinder in
unbounded fluids are studied by analyzing the influences of several factors on the dynamically additive mass and damping.

例句 3:





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