

字词 希法亭


Rudolf Hilferding


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:941.
[2] Rudolf Hilferding. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Hilferding






1. 共产国际上作人员扬·别尔津致函列宁,揭发外交人民委员部有人庇护孟什维克拉·阿布拉莫维奇,使他能寄信给德国社会民卞党的机会主义首领角鲁·希法亭。别尔津还认为,应清洗外交人民委员部内的敌对分子。列宁写信给中央政治局,建议抓紧这个机会把事情追查到底。——《列宁全集(第三十八卷)》,1986:434

1. Written on a letter from J. Berzin to Lenin of March 11, 1920, reporting that the censorship of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs had let through a letter of the Menshevik Abramovich addressed abroad to R. Hilferding, one of the opportunist leaders of German Social-Democracy. Berzin suggested that the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs should be purged of hostile elements. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 44), 1977: 536.

2. 让德国的独立党人脚踏两只船吧,他们的命运就是如此。谢德曼分子已经把考茨基当作“自己”人来亲吻和拥抱了。施坦普费尔正在大肆宣扬这件事。考茨基也的确是谢德曼之流的真正同志。既是独立党人又是考茨基的朋友的希法亭,却在卢塞恩建议把谢德曼之流从国际中开除出去。自然,希法亭只是遭到了黄色国际的真正领袖们的嘲笑。希法亭提出这项建议或者是由于极端的愚蠢,或者是由于极端的虚伪,因为他既想在工人群众中享有“左派”的声誉,又想在资产阶级奴仆的国际中保留一个席位!——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:182

2. Let the German Independents try to sit between two stools--such is their fate. The Scheidemanns embrace Kautsky as their “own man”. Stampfer advertises this. Indeed, Kautsky is a worthy comrade of the Scheidemanns. When Hilferding, another Independent and friend of Kautsky’s, proposed at Lucerne that the Scheidemanns be expelled from the International, the real leaders of the yellow International only laughed at him. His proposal was either a piece of extreme foolishness or a piece of extreme hypocrisy; he wanted to parade as a Left among the worker masses and, at the same time, retain his place in the International of bourgeois servitors! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 35.

3. 中派的态度包括既反对公开的修正主义,又反对要求革命仔动;理论上在绝前者,但是并没有认真努力把它排除于党的实践之外;理治上肯定后者,然而又否定它在当前的迫切性。尽管如此,象考茨基和希法亭这种人还是能够坚持时代的一般革命性质,坚持革命的历史现实性,虽然并不感到必须把这种观点运用于当前的决策。由于这个缘故,对无产阶级说来,这些意见分歧一直只是不管怎样仍然是革命的工人运动内部的意见分歧,不可能对各种不同派别进行明确的区分。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:393

3. These attitudes included a polemic both against an open Revisionism and against the demand for revolutionary action; the theoretical rejection of the former without making any serious efforts to eliminate it from the praxis of the party; the theoretical affirmation of the latter while denying its immediate application to the situation. With all this it was still possible, e.g. for Kautsky and Hilferding, to insist on the generally revolutionary nature of the age and on the idea that the time was ripe for revolution without feeling the compulsion to apply this insight to decisions of the moment. The upshot was that for the proletariat these differences of opinion simply remained differences of opinion within workers’ movements that were nevertheless revolutionary movements. And so it became impossible to draw a firm distinction between the various groups. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: 302.


例句 1:
Hilferding, the Economist of “Austro-Marxism”, whose “Financial Capital” was published in 1910.

例句 2:
Rudolf Hilferding is the most famous Austrian Marxist theorist.

例句 3:
Marx, Hilferding and Lenin analyzed the emergence and development of financial capital.





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