

字词 言必信行必果


to honor a promise with good faith


李克强总理在地方政府职能转变和机构改革会议上的讲话. via: http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/trans/2013-11/11/content_17095607_3.htm






1. 一是对地方政府机构设置实行总额限制,控制政府规模。二是确保财政供养人员只减不增,这是本届政府向全社会的承诺,难度虽大,但我们要言必信、行必果。为什么要严控机构编制总量?从现实情况看,各级财政收入不太可能再像过去那样高速增长了,而财政供养人员多,往往“食之者众,生之者寡”,本届政府组建半年多,一些地区和部门又陆续提出增编要求,不控制将难以为继。——《李克强总理在地方政府职能转变和机构改革会议上的讲话》,2013

1. The size of government staffing must be put under rigorous control. In this round of reform, we must observe two principles: one is to set a limit on the total number of local government agencies in order to control government size; the other is to make sure government payroll will only shrink and not expand. This is a commitment this government has made to the entire population. Difficult as it is, a promise is a promise and we will honor it with good faith. Why do we need to strictly control the size of government staffing? Given the current situation, government revenues at various levels are unlikely to see fast growth as in the past. With a large payroll, we will, more often than not, end up in a situation where the little produced by the few will soon be depleted by the many who consume. In just half a year since the formation of this government, some localities and departments have again asked to increase their staffing. Without control, the problem will go from bad to worse. -Quoted from A speech made by Premier Li Keqiang at a meeting on functional transformation and institutional reform of local governments, 2013.


例句 1:
As the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in the face of complex domestic and international situation.The key ruling position, directly related to the tangible benefits for the country's development, social progress and people.

例句 2:
Regarding building a fine working style, its advocacy of "exerting oneself to the utmost", "so said,so done", and "dedicating oneself completely to the welfare of mankind" remains relevant today in that it can help foster the spirit of working hard, practicing what one preaches, and sacrificing one's own interests for the general interests.

例句 3:
The principle of trust-protection has been the first time established in the administrative licensing





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