

字词 工业主义


the Industrialism


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 52.


工业主义(the Industrialism)是20世纪40年代中期产生于美国的一种解释资本主义工业文明发展的基本社会问题的理论。这种理论认为,资本主义危机是与工业发展和技术进步密切相关的,因为科学技术进步几乎在还没有建立新的社会结构时就已破坏了现存的社会结构。按照这一理论的逻辑推论,科学技术是现代社会变革的主要因素。(via: http://www.upicture.com.cn/Knowledge/nPost/nPost_40754.htm)。随着工业化向全世界扩展,它开创了一个城市化史无前例的速度增长的新时代。到19世纪后期,大型城市中心几乎出现在每一个大陆上,在南美,在非洲,在澳洲,甚至也出现在亚洲。就世界范围而言,已有5%以上的人口居住在10万人以上的城市中,几乎是一个世纪前的三倍。在世界的大部分地区,这种增长是由行政服务、贸易、原材料出口等因素驱动的。工业扩展受到殖民大国的重商政策、欠发达的交通系统和近代基础设施等因素的限制。在亚洲和非洲的其他地区,过低的劳动力成本和缺少一个大的消费基础妨碍了机器的使用,所以这些地区多倾向于较分散的原始乡村工业(via:


[1] via: http://www.upicture.com.cn/Knowledge/nPost/nPost_40754.htm
[2] via: https://www.douban.com/group/topic/22848513/?author=1


1. 反对实践哲学中的资产阶级工业主义与根本否定实践的历史基础性是性质不同的两个问题。这一点,阿多诺的头脑并不是十分清楚的。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:29

1. To oppose the bourgeois industrialism in practical philosophy and to deny the historical basis of practice as a whole are two different issues. In this regard, Adorno is not particularly clear-minded. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 52.

2. 生产的无限发展实际上是全部工业文明的本质,是启蒙的工具理性的无限要求,这种要求是以人类中心主义对自然的控制为前提的。阿多诺认为,马克思并没有超出这种工业主义。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:29

2. The infinite development of production is indeed the essence of all industrial civilizations, and the infinite demand of instrumental reason of the Enlightenment. The premise of such a demand is the anthropocentric control of nature. What Adorno believes is that Marx does not go beyond this kind of industrialism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 52.

3. 第二,从人出发,西斯蒙第也就必然反对资产阶级社会在无止境追逐利润中所形成的工业主义。正是面对资产阶级社会的现实,西斯蒙第才提出与“财富学派”那种实证的思路完全相反的逻辑,即一种人本主义的主体批判尺度。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:92

3. The second aspect of Sismondi’s argument begins with humans. Sismondi is inevitably opposed to the industrialism that forms as a result of the unrestrained pursuit of profit by bourgeois society. Consequently, in facing the reality of bourgeois society, Sismondi proposed a subjective criticism based in humanism, using logic that was the polar opposite of the empirical “Chrematistic school.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 59.


例句 1:
At the present time, their existence and development have been once again threatened by industrialism-oriented modernization and globalization.

例句 2:
Chapter five principally probes into another important content of Williams' hermeneutics of technology. That is ideological critique of industrialism. 

例句 3:
However, the deficiency itself had fully shown in the late half of the 20th century. A series of global problems appeared such as the lack of resource energy, environmental pollution, zoological unbalance, human dissimilation caused by labor itself and some unconquerable difficulties of economic crisis due to bubble technology caused bubble economy. A new technical viewpoint discriminating from the traditional industrialism was establishing—technical viewpoint of informationalism.





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