

字词 客里空




Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 405.






1. 有的习惯于以会议落实会议、以文件落实文件,热衷于造声势、出风头,把安排领导出场讲话、组织发新闻、上电视作为头等大事,最后工作却不了了之。有的抓工作不讲实效,不下功夫解决存在的矛盾和问题,难以给领导留下印象的事不做,形不成多大影响的事不做,工作汇报或年终总结看上去不漂亮的事不做,仪式一场接着一场,总结一份接着一份,评奖一个接着一个,最后都是“客里空”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:369

1. Some use the requirements for documents and meetings simply as a pretext for generating further documents and meetings; some love to put on a show and seek the limelight; in some places the priority is to highlight leaders' speeches in newspapers and on TV, while neglecting practical work; some have no interest in achieving actual results or solving genuine problems - their only aim is to ingratiate themselves with their superiors, generate headlines or decorate their work reports...one ceremony after another, one summary after another, one award after another. We call this Krikun style. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 405.

2. 读书是学习,使用也是学习,并且是更重要的学习。领导干部要发扬理论联系实际的马克思主义学风,带着问题学,拜人民为师,做到干中学、学中干,学以致用、用以促学、学用相长,千万不能夸夸其谈、陷于“客里空”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:406

2. Reading and application are both ways of learning, and the latter is more important. Leading officials should adopt the Marxist approach by combining theory with practice. In the course of their studies there should always be questions in mind. We should respect the people as our mentors, learn from work, and work on the basis of learning, making use of what we have learned and applying it to real-life situations. Study and practice should always promote each other. We should disdain empty talk and never be a “Krikun.” -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 454.


例句 1:
The “Anti-Kelikong” Movement launched by Jin Sui Daily is an important event with a historic significance. However, it is an event narrated by different discourses.

例句 2:
延安时期反“客里空”的理论与实践,反映了中国共产党实事求是的新闻观和坚定不移的人民立场;建国后的头7年,新闻事业承续延安时期的传统,其主流是实事求是的,党和党的报刊对“客里空”十分警惕;1957年至1976年这20年的新闻则把“客里空”表现到极致,在这一阶段,“客里空”成了一种政治需要,一种整人的手段,一种愚民的宣传;在有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设阶段,“客里空”幽灵依旧在徘徊,但在这个历史阶段,党的路线、方针、政策是实事求是的,党对新闻的要求也是实事求是的,“客里空”在大的气候方面,没有大行其道、肆无忌惮、横行霸道的条件。 ——“对‘客里空’的历史辨析”,载于《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2007年第5期
The theory and practice of anti-Kelikong movement during Yan'an Period reflected the practical journalistic view and a firm people’s stand. In the first seven years after the foundation of P.R.C, the journalism, with its practical mainstream, carried forward the tradition of Yan'an Period. The Party and its press heightened vigilance against Kelikong. However, Kelikong was extremely manifested from 1957 to 1976.It became a political demand, a way of punishment and propaganda to fool people in the two decades. During the period of socialist modernization construction with Chinese characteristics, the ghost of Kelikong still lingered but it lacked the condition of unscrupulous widespread, because during





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