

字词 客体化


to objectify; objectification


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 242, 195.




[1] 王永昌.论主体的客体化[J].求索,1991(6).
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷)[M].人民出版社,1979.


1. 以马克思此时的见解,黑格尔所否定的感性(确定性)意识并不是某种人之外的抽象观念的感性意识,而只能是人的感性意识。比如,“自然界的人性和历史所创造的自然界——人的产品——的人性”,绝不是抽象精神的产物,宗教、财富这一类东西也不是观念的异化,而只能是“人的对象的异化的现实,是客体化的人的本质力量的异化的现实”,所以,“宗教、财富等等不过是通向真正人的现实的道路”,而不是通向绝对观念消失的扬弃环节。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:258-259

1. In Marx’s opinion at this time, the sensuous consciousness (certainty) that Hegel refutes is not some sensuous consciousness of the abstract idea external to man, but is rather man’s sensuous consciousness. For instance, “The human character of nature and of the nature created by history—man’s products” are certainly not the products of some abstract spirit. Things such as religion and wealth are not estrangements of the idea either, but can only be “the estranged world of human objectification, of man’s essential powers put to work and…therefore but the path to the true human world,” and not the path towards the transcendence that comes in the disappearance of the Absolute Idea. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 195.

2. 在黑格尔那里,当他将人的认知结构武断地客体化为绝对实体以后,真正的客观存在(物质与人)却成了主体异化出去的工具性对象,所以扬弃异化也就是扬弃对象性,从而真正复归于精神主体。准确地说,扬弃异化等于扬弃对象性这个命题是黑格尔的原则。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:317

2. For Hegel, after he arbitrarily objectifies human cognitive structure into absolute substance, true objective existence (material and man) becomes an instrumental object estranged from the subject. Thus transcendence of estrangement is transcendence of objectivity and therefore a true return to the spiritual subject. Put more precisely, the proposition that the transcendence of estrangement is the same as the transcendence of objectivity is a principle of Hegel’s. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 242.

3. 正是在这种历史性的商品——市场经济世界中,为了交换价值的生产,人与人的社会关系颠倒地表现为物与物的关系,个人生存实际上必然转换为一种孤立的客体化碎片式的生存。在强大的物化经济力量面前,个人生存倒显得微不足道。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:575-576

3. It is in this historical world of the commodity-market economy that inter-human social relations are invertedly expressed as material relations and individual subsistence is necessarily transformed into an isolated, objectified, fragmented subsistence in order to produce exchange value. In the face of powerful, objectified economic forces, individual subsistence appears insignificant. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 456.


例句 1:
Sexual objectification refers to women being treated as body or body parts that exist for the use or pleasure of others.

例句 2:
Feminist literary criticism finds that women exist in literature as indivisuals with esthetic main bodies but are portrayed as either “an angel” or “wicked woman” . they have no characteristics outside of these two roles. Portraying women as either “an angel” or “wicked woman” is one kind of naarative strategy used by males to objectify females.

例句 3:
Compared with Misty Poetry, the transformation of aesthetic modernity of Post Missty Poetry mainly shows in these aspects: tending to objectify the subject of the lyric poems, stressing the values of anti-hero and anti-sublime, holding the artistic advocate of anti-image and the expressive form of colloquialism.





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