

字词 契约伦理


contract ethic(s)


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:658.
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1120.
[3] 朱贻庭.伦理学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2002:27.
[4] Contract Ethics. via:


现代经济伦理和法律伦理的一种类型和现象。它指伦理依照契约而展开,按契约履行责任义务,并对违约承担道德后果的伦理现象和伦理类型。其本质上是商品经济和法制文化高度发展的产物,同时也代表了现代伦理发展的一种趋势和要求。契约伦理是一种程序伦理,它强调按彼此约定的契约程序办事处世;同时也是一种意图伦理,契约是当事人双方或多方意志和愿望的程序化表现。契约的订立与维护,体现了主体之间的意志自由、权利平等和义务平等。契约是当事人权利与义务对等的基础上得以订立并发挥作用的,体现着当事人之间权利义务平等的内在要求。契约伦理在当代中国改革开放的浪潮中兴起,反映了中国伦理文化从注重身份到注重契约的巨大变迁(金炳华等,2001:1120)。市场经济本质上是一个合理的秩序和有效率的活动,其中必有某种“合意”、“共同意志”在,这就是契约伦理,它构成市场经济运作过程的伦理基础。契约伦理是人们在订立、执行以及毁约中所表现出来的伦理性质和执行契约中所需要的伦理基础。许诺、信赖和义务构成了契约活动的伦理基础,贯穿于整个契约活动过程中(晏辉,2002:32)。 随着资本主义市场经济体制的形成和逐步完善,西方各国完成了从“身份社会”向“契约社会”的转型,生成了尊重和保障人的生命及自由和平等、倡导诚信履约等基本伦理价值的契约伦理。当代中国建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的过程就是契约社会与契约伦理的建构过程(朱书刚,2004:48)。


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 晏辉.契约伦理及其实现[J].道德与文明,2002(06).
[3] 朱书刚.论契约社会与契约伦理在西方的生成和在当代中国的建构[J].马克思主义与现实,2004(06).


1. 齐泽克认为,正是在这个意义上,相对于人与人之间那种直接的拜物教,第二种拜物教是“祛拜物教化(defetishized)”,或者是不完全拜物教。这又是齐泽克自己的发明。因为在资本主义社会中,“我们在这里所讲的是‘自由’人之间的关系,每个人追随的都是他自己的利益。他们交互关系中主要的、决定性的形式不是统治和奴役而是在法律面前人人平等的自由人之间的契约”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:376

1. Zizek believes that it is in this sense that the second fetishism, in comparison with the direct fetishism between men, is “defetishized, or, incomplete.” This is another invention by Zizek. In capitalism, we have relations between “free” people, each following his or her proper egoistic interest. The predominant and determining form of their interrelations is not domination and servitude, but rather a contract between free people who are equal in the eyes of the law. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 485.

2. (倘若你要探问马克思主义的伦理和精神,我相信,你从中能找到可能的答案,但这些方面自然又不是大多数马克思主义传统中的显要面。)事实上,正如西蒙娜·韦尔(Simone Weil)所言“对资本主义压迫机制的马克思主义的分析是极好的,确实,这种分析如此卓越,以至于很难看出,这种压迫为何应该被终结”。在这方面,我认为她比马克思的大多数追随者要更具洞察力。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:359

2. (If you ask about the morality and the spirituality of Marxism then I believe that there are possible answers, but these topics are certainly not to the fore in most of the Marxist tradition.) Indeed, as Simone Weil said: ‘Marxist analysis of the mechanism of capitalist oppression is excellent, indeed it is so good that it is difficult to see why that oppression should ever ended’, and in this respect I think she was more clear-sighted that most of the followers of Marx. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 372.

3. 克罗齐感兴趣的是他所认为的马克思主义的洞见,而并不把马克思主义视为一种可以预见既定的社会发展道路的理论。因此,他拒绝马克思主义是科学的观念,他批评马克思的经济学、尤其是他的价值学说,转而强调社会主义的伦理方面。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:19

3. Croce was interested in what he considered to be Marxism’s insights but not in viewing it as a theory predicting a given development of society. He therefore rejected the idea of Marxism as a science, criticised Marx’s economics and particularly his theory of value and laid emphasis on the ethical side of socialism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 21-22.


例句 1:
The socialist harmonious society in essence is the citizens’ socialist society with Chinese characteristics. Undoubtedly, the contract ethics spirits based on the citizens’ society is the basic ethics spirits of socialist harmonious society and the system justice, as a matter of fact, becomes the major manifestation of socialist harmonious society’s contract ethics spirits. However, the practical transformation of contract ethics spirits in socialist harmonious society depends on the advancement of system innovation.

例句 2:
The government officials who manage public contracts should operate on the cross-point of their vertical and horizontal roles. They should not only adhere to the contract ethics, but also comply with the public administrative spirit.

例句 3:
Because contract ethics has the strong tendency to become universal value, it is of practical significance for China to implement moral education.





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