字词 | 复辟 |
释义 | 复辟【英】restoration译文来源Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1978: 321. 定义复辟(restoration)原意指失意的君主复位或泛指被打倒的反动统治者或其代表重新掌握政权,重新施行已被推翻的反动制度;现引申为反动势力卷土重来,恢复旧制度。列宁指出:“复辟就是国家政权落到旧制度的政治代表手里”(中共中央编译局,1987:303)。例如英国资产阶级革命后,在1660年,查理一世的儿子查理·斯图亚特在国会保守派的支持下被宣布为英国国王,称查理二世,恢复了封建王朝的统治,即斯图亚特王朝复辟;法国资产阶级革命后波旁王朝两次复辟;中国辛亥革命后,在1915年袁世凯由共和制转为帝制实行复辟,1917年张勋复辟等(王蒿山,1994:219)。“复辟是阶级社会中激烈而复杂的阶级斗争的产物,是新旧社会制度交替过程中出现的历史现象”(敬永和,1990:515)。被推翻的反动阶级总是不甘心失败,要趁革命政权立足未稳,新的社会制度尚未巩固之际,竭尽全力进行反扑,以图恢复旧制度。在一定的条件下,他们的图谋和活动有可能得逞,这就是复辟。复辟只能造成历史发展进程的曲折发展,却不可能阻止历史车轮的前进;新制度终究是要代替旧制度的,这是不以人的意志为转移的客观规律(复辟,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006842942&d=171028BCE9DB2328BFBAC1621D8998B2)。 定义来源[1] 中共中央编译局.列宁全集(第十三卷)[M].人民出版社,1987. 例句1. 根据这些前提,斯大林在《列宁主义问题》中说到:“社会主义的最终胜利就是有免除武装干涉性的,因而就是有免除复辟行动的完全保障,因为稍微严重的复辟行动,只有在外来的重大的援助下,只有在国际资本的援助下,才有可能发生。因此,各国工人对我国革命的支援,尤其是这些工人的胜利,即使在几个国家内的胜利,是完全保障第一个获得胜利的国家免除武装干涉和复辟行动的必要条件,是保证社会主义最终胜利的必要条件。”——《斯大林全集(第十四卷)》,2015:179-180 1. On the basis of these premises Stalin stated in “Problems of Leninism” that: “The final victory of Socialism is the full guarantee against attempts at intervention, and that means against restoration, for any serious attempt at restoration can take place only with serious support from outside, only with the support of international capital. Hence the support of our revolution by the workers of all countries, and still more, the victory of the workers in at least several countries, is a necessary condition for fully guaranteeing the first victories country against attempts at intervention and restoration, a necessary condition for the final victory of Socialism,” –Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14), 1978: 321. 2. 无产阶级在获得政权以后,在精神上仍然陷在资本主义发展进程所编织的罗网中。这一方面表现在它未能触动许多应该彻底破坏的东西。另一方面,它去进行破坏和建设工作时,不是抱着那种合益统治者的自信心,面是抱着篡夺者所特有的那种犹豫和仓卒交错的心情。而且还是这样一个篡夺者,他在内心中,即在思想、感情和决心中预感到资本主义必然要复辟。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996: 357 2. Once the proletariat has gained power it still remains enmeshed intellectually in the trammels woven by the course of capitalist development. This finds expression, on the one hand, in its failure to lay hands on much that ought to be utterly destroyed. On the other hand, it proceeds to the labour of demolition and construction not with the sense of assurance that springs from legitimate rule, but with the mixture of vacillation and haste characteristic of the usurper. A usurper, moreover, who inwardly, in thought, feeling and resolve, anticipates the inevitable restoration of capitalism. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 268. 3. 我在这里指的不仅是工会官僚在整个匈牙利苏维埃专政期间抱着尽可能顺利地复辟资本主义的目的对社会先过程的多少公开的反革命怠工。我在这里还想到常常被强调指出的苏维埃腐化现象,它的主要根源之一就在这里。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996: 357 3. 1 have in mind here not only the more or less overt counterrevolutionary sabotage of the process of socialisation perpetrated throughout the Hungarian soviet dictatorship by the trade-union bureaucrats with the aim of restoring capitalism as painlessly as possible. 1 am thinking here also of the widely noted phenomenon of corruption in the soviets which has one of its chief sources here. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 268. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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