字词 | 国际营商惯例 |
释义 | 国际营商惯例【英】the international business norms译文来源http://ph.china-embassy.org/eng/xwdt/t1302470.htm 例句1. 中国尊重非歧视性规则的国际营商惯例,遵守国民待遇等世贸组织原则,公平公正对待包括外商投资企业在内的所有市场主体,欢迎跨国公司同中国企业开展各种形式合作。——《习近平在华盛顿州当地政府和美国友好团体联合欢迎宴会上的演讲》 1. We respect the international business norms and practices of non-discrimination, observe the WTO principle of national treatment, treat all market players including foreign-invested companies fairly, and encourage transnational corporations to engage in all forms of cooperation with Chinese companies.—Quoted from Speech at the Welcoming Dinner Hosted by Local Governments And Friendly Organizations in the United States |
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