

字词 国有商业银行


State-Owned Commercial Banks




国有商业银行(State-Owned Commercial Banks)是国有独资的商业银行,其特点是所有的资本都是由国家投资的,是国有金融企业。国有商业银行是我国银行体系的主体,国有商业银行在人员、机构网点数量、资产规模以及市场占有份额上,均处于绝对垄断的地位,对我国经济金融的发展起着举足轻重的作用。在我国,中国银行、中国农业银行、中国建设银行、中国工商银行是四大国有商业银行,它们是商业银行体系的主体,其贷款和资本规模都处于绝对垄断的地位。我国国有商业银行目前的组织机构体系是按行政区域设置的总、分、支行体系。国有商业银行以分、支行为成本、利润、风险控制和资源配置中心来经营银行业务,实施总、分、支行之间层级授权经营管理和信息传递为联系纽带,以银行内部的资金市场为依托,实现资源在各行范围内的流动。我国商业银行开办的业务可基本分为表内负债业务、表内资产业务和表外业务(国有商业银行.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900010980490&d=ABBF0F5770A201529657D9985EC6A845)。在同外资银行的竞争中,我国国有商业银行最大的优势是规模优势,这种优势反映在业务基础好、对我国经济影响力大、具有本土经营优势、在经营本币业务上具有绝对优势等方面。但我国国有商业银行也存在劣势,主要是经营理念上的差距,如经济效益、业务流程的设计、服务质量等方面相对欠缺。对于我国商业银行的进一步发展,可以考虑以下几方面的措施,第一,摆脱历史包袱的束缚,完善竞争环境;第二,加快建立现代商业银行制度,完善风险防范体系;第三,加快业务自由化改革,从分业经营向混业经营转变;第四,对人力资源进行战略投资等(国有商业银行.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900012310802&d=BB526ABD8CCFF502248AB049485DD435)。


[1] 国有商业银行.via:
[2] 国有商业银行.via:


1. 深化金融体制改革。加快改革完善现代金融监管体制,提高金融服务实体经济效率,实现金融风险监管全覆盖。深化利率市场化改革。继续完善人民币汇率市场化形成机制,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上基本稳定。深化国有商业银行和开发性、政策性金融机构改革,发展民营银行,启动投贷联动试点。推进股票、债券市场改革和法治化建设,促进多层次资本市场健康发展,提高直接融资比重。适时启动“深港通”。建立巨灾保险制度。规范发展互联网金融。大力发展普惠金融和绿色金融。加强全口径外债宏观审慎管理。扎紧制度笼子,整顿规范金融秩序,严厉打击金融诈骗、非法集资和证券期货领域的违法犯罪活动,坚决守住不发生系统性区域性风险的底线。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

1. We will deepen reform of the financial sector. We will move faster in the reform to improve the modern financial regulatory system and ensure that the financial sector serves the real economy more efficiently and that regulation covers all financial risks. Interest rates will be further liberalized. Improvements will be made to the market-based mechanism for setting the RMB exchange rate to ensure it remains generally stable at an appropriate and balanced level. We will deepen reform of state-owned commercial banks as well as development and policy-backed financial institutions, develop private banks, and launch trials to allow commercial banks to participate in combined debt-equity investments into startups and small businesses. We will move forward with the reform of stock and bond markets and increase the level of rule of law in their development, promote the sound development of the multilevel capital market, and ensure that the proportion of direct financing is increased. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will be launched at an appropriate time. A catastrophe insurance system will be established. We will work to see that Internet finance develops in line with regulations, and we will make a major push to develop inclusive and green finance. We will strengthen unified, macroprudential management of foreign debt. We will tighten institutional constraints, safeguard order in the financial sector, crack down on financial fraud, illegal fundraising, and unlawful and criminal activities in the securities and futures markets, and make sure that no systemic or regional financial risks arise. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.


例句 1:
From long ago, the CAR of our state-owned commercial banks have been low, by taking the substitution by “high government credit”. The government becomes finally withstander once the bank suffered the loss or the risk. The capital has not received enough takes.

例句 2:
An effective corporate governance structure of bank is one of the most key factors which influence the core competitive power of the state-owned commercial banks, while the legal system of corporate governance structure is the basis and guarantee of an effective corporate governance structure.

例句 3:
With the development of society, state-owned commercial bank’s managerial functions and business concept is changing, it not only has the pursuit of profit maximization, but also has the pursuit of social benefit maximization.





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