字词 | 优婆塞戒经 |
释义 | 优婆塞戒经【英】Upasaka Shila Sutra定义佛教戒律。此经谓佛讲解菩萨戒,应如何执修三归、八戒、五戒,如何供养三宝,修持六波罗蜜、四无量心、三种菩提及修三十二相业等。 Buddhist Shila and Vinaya, saying Buddha’s expounding of Bodhisattva disciplines on how to keep the “Trisharana”(three refuges), the “eight commandments” and the “five commandments”, how to serve the “ Triune Treasure”, how to practice the “six paramitas”, the four forms of chaturapramana (the unlimited mind), the three kinds of bohdi and the 32 Lakchanas (32 physical marks of the Buddha), etc. |
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