

字词 国内战争


civil war


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic[M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 287.


国内战争简称内战,指国内不同阶级之间及社会集团之间,为夺取国家政权而进行的有组织的武装斗争。国内战争有正义的、革命的和非正义的、反革命的两种性质之分。“被剥削、被压迫阶级反抗反动统治阶级的战争,是革命的、正义的战争;反动统治阶级镇压国内人民革命运动的战争以及反动阶级之间的战争,是反革命的、非正义的战争”(杨庆旺等,1987:530)。国内战争是内部的事务,各国或国际组织不得进行干涉,虽然在武装行动许可的手段和方法、对待伤病员和战俘、保护和平居民与文物等方面,国内战争同样由战争的法律和惯例调整(克利缅科等,1987,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005301657&d=84B1178A0E99A664FB30C59E73165690)。国内战争随着阶级和国家的出现而发生,是阶级斗争最尖锐的形式。“在对抗性社会,社会经济关系领域中的矛盾在一定时候表现为社会冲突,其尖锐程度有小有大,甚至导致武装冲突。国内战争发生的原因,发展的条件及其特点取决于国内和国际舞台上阶级力量的分布情况。国内战争可能和国与国之间的战争、反干涉斗争和民族解放斗争相结合”(《苏联军事百科全书》中译本编辑组,1982:142)。在对抗性社会经济结构中,国内战争有其固有的类型和形式,如奴隶起义、农民战争、游击战争、工人阶级反对资产阶级及其政府的武装斗争等。但马克思列宁主义坚决反对“左”倾机会主义关于国内战争似乎是夺取和掌握政权的唯一手段的论点,无产阶级及其政党愿意用和平的方式进行政治斗争和夺取政权。


[1] 杨庆旺等.中国军事知识辞典[Z].华夏出版社,1987.
[2] 克利缅科等.国内战争[A].1987,via:  http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005301657&d=84B1178A0E99A664FB30C59E73165690
[3] 《苏联军事百科全书》中译本编辑组.《苏联军事百科全书》选译·军事术语选编 (上、中、下册)[Z].知识出版社,1982.


1. 随着世界大战的爆发,随着国内战争的发生,这个过去的“理论”问题变成了非常迫切的实际问题。组织问题变成了政治策略之一。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:377

1. With the outbreak of the World War, with the emergence of the civi1 war this quondam ‘theoretical’ question became a burning issue in practice. The problem of organization was converted into one of political tactics. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1968: 287.

2. 只有这样的党在判断实际起作用的各种力量时有足够的适应性、灵活性和独立性,能够从布列斯特一里托夫斯克和最残酷国内战争的战时共产主义前进到新的经济政策。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:383

2. Only such a party is sufficiently adaptable, flexible and independent in judgement of the actual forces at work to be able to advance from Brest-Litovsk and the war-communism of the fiercest civil wars to the new economic policy. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1968: 293.

3. 只有通过加强对无产阶级的剥削,才有可能逃脱危机,找到对危机的“经济”解决办法。由于这个缘故,第三次代表大会的策略提纲非常正确地强调指出,“每一次大罢工都有变为国内战争和直接夺权斗争的倾向。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:401

3. Escape from the crisis, the ‘economic’ solution to the crisis can only come through the intensified exploitation of the proletariat. For this reason the tactical theses of the Third Congress very rightly emphasised that “every mass strike tends to translate itself into a civil war and a direct struggle for power”. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1968: 310.


例句 1:
During the civil war, the communists who worked in the railway between Moscow to Kashan initiated volunteer labor on Saturdays, which gave impetus to the whole party members and citizens.

例句 2:
The White Guards, as the strongest opponent of the Bolshevik during the Russian Civil War, continued a three years brutal war with the Red Army to seize the wealth and power left by the Russian Empire. 

例句 3:
Following the victory against the Japanese invasion, a civil war broke out in the whole country, which caused the military spending of the Kuomintang army beyond control and the financial crisis of the Kuomintang regime that was featured by financial deficits (60-70%) and military-oriented finance (60-70%).





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