

字词 合谋


to hatch a plot; conspiracy; collusion


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 48) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2001: 146.
[2] via: http://dict.cnki.net/dict_result.aspx
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 38) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1982: 237.






1. 我们的《评论》情况怎样?特别是钱的问题怎样?这个问题变得更加迫切了。因为现在普鲁士当局在伦敦英国政府那里采取种种措施,要把我也从英国驱逐出去。如果我在这里不是身无分文的话,我已经搬到英国内地,政府也就找不到我了。“红字报”405情况怎样?已经收到美国来的订购单了。销出去多少份了?你那里还剩下多少份?你们的报纸好象和其他报纸合谋对我们的《评论》采取沉默抵制态度。当然我了解,《新德意志报》的读者对拉沃更感兴趣些。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十七卷)》,1972:559

1. How are things with our Revue? The money, especially? The question is becoming all the more urgent as the Prussians are making every effort to induce the British Government to expel me from England too. Were I not stuck here sans le soub I should already have withdrawn into the heart of England and the Government would have lost sight of me. How are things with the ‘red issue’? We have orders for it from America. How much of it has been sold? How many copies have you left? Your paper seems to have joined the rest to form a conspiration du silence in regard to our Revue. However, I realise that, to the readers of the Neue Deutsche Zeitung, Raveaux must be more interesting. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 38), 1982: 237.

2. 首先你和倍倍尔没有出席代表会议,也没有设法让其他代表出席,然后,你就发表了波鲁特陶的通讯;他在那篇通讯中指责总委员会没有邀请德国代表,从而也许是无意识地充当了日内瓦反总委员会的阴谋分子的工具。这就被日内瓦的巴枯宁分子和同他们合谋的流亡者走卒解释为:马克思即使在德国也失去了自己的影响!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十三卷)》,1973:327

2. First Bebel and yourself do not come to the Conference, and take no steps to ensure that other delegates turn up. Then you print a report from Boruttau in which, acting perhaps as an unconscious agent of the Geneva conspiracy against the General Council, he rebukes the latter for failing to invite delegates from Germany. The construction already being put upon this in Geneva by the Bakuninists and the whole host of conspiratorial hangers-on among the émigrés, is that Marx has lost his influence even in Germany! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 44), 1989: 247-248.

3. 至于俾斯麦,他和俄国的泛斯拉夫主义者和法国的沙文主义者一样,也在玩火。只要老列曼(您知道这是威廉的绰号)还有一口气,目前形势就对俾斯麦有利。俾斯麦竭力使自己在老头子去世时成为不可缺少的人物。他和年轻的威廉合谋反对王储,并想迫使王储动喉头手术,就是说,让别人给他割喉咙。这一切王储和他的妻子是完全知道的,因此俾斯麦成了他们几乎不能容忍的人。这就是新的反社会党人法在国会没有通过的原因之一。科伦的一位天主教徒在国会会议上说:9月30日(现行法令到期之日)以前,政府里可能有其他人出现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十七卷)》,1971:18

3. As for Bismarck he, no less than the Russian Panslavists and French chauvinists, is playing with fire. The present situation suits him so long as a glimmer of life remains in old Lehmann (nickname for William, as you doubtless know). Bismarck has every reason to make himself indispensable against the day the old man dies. He and young William have hatched something of a plot against the Crown Prince in an attempt to induce him to have a laryngotomy, i.e. to have his throat slit. Since the Crown Prince and his wife are perfectly well aware of this, Bismarck has made himself all but impossible so far as they are concerned. And that’s one of the reasons why the new Anti-Socialist Law has failed to get through the Reichstag. A Catholic from Cologne declared in open session that, before 30 September (when the existing law expires) the ministry might well have changed hands. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 48), 2001: 146.


例句 1:
The paper also proofs that it is worthy for uninformed principal to implement collusion-proof contract even if it is strict.

例句 2:
By a way of combing model establishment and empirical test, this article investigates the influence of stock ownership check-and-balance on the economic consequences of the collusion between controlling shareholder and executives in M&A.

例句 3:
Then, some policy suggestions and measures were put forward in order to prevent conspire on happening.





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