

字词 反革命




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 19.


反革命一词源自苏俄布尔什维克的谴责性词语,五四以后才开始出现于中国人的言语中,中国共产党成立和第一次国共合作以后大量使用。当时有一种流行词语叫“反革命”,专用于加以政敌或异己者。(朱英,2012: 9)。后来“反革命”被建构成一种最大之“恶”,随即又升级为最恶之“罪”。“革命”与“反革命”形成非黑即白的二元对立,二者之间不允许存留任何灰色地带和妥协空间。当时流行的一句口号“不革命就是反革命”,即是这一情形的生动写照。政治改革道路的不同选择不再被定义为“革命”与“改良”之争,或激进与温和之别,而是被建构为“革命”与“反革命”的圣魔两立,水火不容。“革命”与“反革命”被扩大化为非常宽广层面的各种社会力量之间的阶级较量。与此同时,不同政党以及同一政党内部的不同派系之间,竞选争夺并试图垄断对“革命”话语的诠释,同时将“反革命”的头衔加诸不同的政见者和政治敌对派之上,惟己独“革”、惟己最“革”、惟己真“革”,甚至视革命同路人为危险的竞争对手。(王奇生,2004: 84)


[1] 朱英.“革命”与“反革命”:1920年代中国商会存废纷争[J].河南大学学报,2012(5).
[2] 王奇生.“革命”与“反革命”:1920年代中国三大政党的党纪互动[J].历史研究,2004(5).


1. 恩格斯有关1848-1849年德国革命的文章已由埃莉诺·马克思所编辑出版,标题为“1848 年德国的革命与反革命”。恩格斯关于军事题材的论述《军事批评家恩格斯》由W. O.亨德森和O. 查洛纳(O. Chaloner)合编。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:16

1. Engels’s artic1es on the German Revolution of 1849-9 have been edited by Eleanor Marx under the tit1e Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany in 1848, as Rene Enge1s's writings on military matters: Engels as Military Critic, edited by W.O. Henderson and O. Chaloner. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 19.

2. 1917年以前,列宁从未提出过一党制国家,因而后来,布尔什维克不能与自己的社会主义反对派达成联合,这固然在于自身不妥协,但同时也是由于其反对派一样不让步。然而,内战的压力和把反布尔什维主义与反革命等同起来的倾向,最终导致镇压所有的反对党。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:100

2. Before 1917, Lenin had never suggested a single-party state and the subsequent inability of the Bolsheviks to arrive at a coalition with their Socialist opponents was due just as much to their opponents' intransigence as to their own. But pressure of Civil War and the tendency to equate anti-Bolshevism with the counter-revolution led to the eventual suppression of all opposition parties. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 109.

3. 而当布尔什维克倡导工人阶级在西方通过议会和工会进行活动时,他很快就感到理想幻灭了,因为潘涅库克至此已终于把这两种机构都看成是地道的反革命。布尔什维克政权在最初困难的几年里明显地希望从当时西方的工人组织那里得到支持,对此,他并不抱同情态度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:181

3. He soon became disillusioned when the Bolsheviks advocated working through parliament and trade unions in the West, both of which institutions Pannekoek had by now come to consider to be positively counter-revolutionary. He had little sympathy with the Bolsheviks' evident desire to get support, in the difficult first few years of their regime, from the existing working-class institutions in the West. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 189.


例句 1:
The collected and sorted editing practice of Mao Zedong between 1921 and 1930 at the initial stage after the founding the Communist Party reveals the principles and characteristics his editing practice and of Communist newspapers and periodicals: to counter attack and destroy reactionary propaganda.

例句 2:
He would sincerely and promptly rectify however many errors ever existed in all fields such as politics, culture, military, economy and diplomacy. Mao Tsetung also fiercely condemned and struggled against counter-revolutionary gangs of Lin Biao and the “Gang of Four”. 

例句 3:
The exploring of “Status of the British Working Class”, “French Class Struggle from 1848 to 1850”, “German Revolution and Counter-revolutionary”, “Louis? Bonaparte’s 18th of the Fog Month”, etc., is very necessary.





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