

字词 劳动生产力


the productive power of labour; the productiveness of labour; the labor forces of production


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 206.






1. 发明和发现在一些情况下是提高了劳动生产力(但在许多情况下也不见得是这样,世界上一切专利特许局的大量档案废纸就是证明),这一点我们早已知道了;但是这一极为陈旧的平凡事实竟是全部经济学的基本规律——这一说明,倒要归功于杜林先生。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:241

1. That in a good many cases the productive power of labour is increased by inventions and discoveries (but also that in very many cases it is not increased, as is proved by the mass of waste-paper in the archives of every patent office in the world) we knew long ago; but we owe to Herr Dühring the enlightening information that this banality, which is as old as the hills, is the fundamental law of all economics. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 206.

2. 因此,如果生产商品所需要的劳动时间不变,商品的价值量也就不变。但是,生产商品所需要的劳动时间随着劳动生产力的每一变动而变动。劳动生产力是由多种情况决定的,其中包括:工人的平均熟练程度,科学的发展水平和它在工艺上应用的程度,生产过程的社会结合,生产资料的规模和效能,以及自然条件。例如,同一劳动量在丰收年表现为8蒲式耳小麦,在歉收年只表现为4蒲式耳。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:53

2. The value of a commodity would therefore remain constant, if the labour time required for its production also remained constant. But the latter changes with every variation in the productiveness of labour. This productiveness is determined by various circumstances, amongst others, by the average amount of skill of the workmen, the state of science, and the degree of its practical application, the social organisation of production, the extent and capabilities of the means of production, and by physical conditions. For example, the same amount of labour in favourable seasons is embodied in 8 bushels of corn, and in unfavourable, only in four. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 50.

3. 比如,由政治经济学揭示的劳动是价值的唯一来源的理论,经济学家承认一切价值都是由劳动产生的,并据此去肯定现在的社会现实;社会主义的意义在于它看出了政治经济学的非批判性,由劳动价值论得出否定现实社会的要求,因此社会主义必然要反对政治经济学。这两者,在经济学中表现为资本生产力与劳动生产力的二元对立。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:477

3. For instance, political economy discovered that labor is the sole source of value, i. e., economists recognize that all value is created by labor. However, where the economists use this to affirm the present social reality, socialism sees the non-critical nature of this political economic conclusion, and demands the refutation of actual society using the labor theory of value. Thus socialism is necessarily in opposition to political economy. These two camps are expressed in economics as the antithesis between capital forces of production and labor forces of production. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 374.


例句 1:
The development of labor productivity is the decisive force for social progress and the differences of labor productivity are the root cause of the diversity of production modes.

例句 2:
The productivity is greatly improved by the division of labor and social collaboration. And it also determines that people can not survive without society.

例句 3:
However, the arrangement of hierarchical order within the vita active has greatly changed since the modern time, and finally labor is elevated to the highest position with the emancipation of labor, which just results in a consumers' society.





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