字词 | 军事反对派 |
释义 | 军事反对派【英】Military Opposition译文来源Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953: 443. 定义军事反对派为1919年在俄共(布)第八次代表大会上出现的在红军建设问题上反对列宁正确路线的派别。参加这个派别的有以前“左派共产主义者”,还有一些对担任军事委员会主席的托洛茨基在军队中领导的表示不满的军人代表。他们虽反对托洛茨基崇拜旧沙皇军队中的军事专家,而轻视和敌视军队中老布尔什维克的做法,但主张维护军队中的游击主义残余,反对建立正规红军,反对利用军事专家,反对在军队中实行铁的纪律,却是错误的。党代表大会否决了这个派别的一系列提案,通过了体现列宁建军思想的正确决议(彭克宏,1989:473)。 定义来源彭克宏.社会科学大词典[Z].中国国际广播出版社,1989. 例句1. 在代表大会的全体会议和军事小组会上讨论了军事问题。代表大会上出现了所谓“军事反对派”。“军事反对派”纠集了以前的“左派共产主义者”和一部分没有参加任何反对派但对托洛茨基在军队中的领导表示不满的工作人员。——《斯大林全集(第四卷)》,1956:306 1. The military question was discussed at plenary meetings of the congress and in a military section. There was a so called “Military Opposition” at the congress, comprising former “Left Communists” and some Party workers who had not formerly participated in any opposition grouping but who were dissatisfied with Trotsky’s leadership of the army. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4), 1953: 443. 2. 在大会上,所谓的“军事反对派”反对中央委员会的提纲。他们维护游击主义残余,否认吸收旧的军事专家的必要性,反对在军队中建立铁的纪律。——《列宁全集(第四十一卷)》,1986:432-433 2. The so-called Military Opposition came out against the Central Committee’s theses (the Opposition included former “Left Communists”—V. M. Smirnov, G. I. Safarov, and G. L. Pyatakov—and some independents). The Military Opposition favoured retention of some guerrilla methods, and opposed strict discipline in the army and enlistment of the services of old military specialists. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1973: 555-556. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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