

字词 公共生活准则


criterion(s) / guideline(s) of public life




公共生活准则(criterion(s) / guideline(s) of public life)是指人们在日常生活中应当遵守的并得到社会公认的基本、最起码、最简单的道德准则。它主要维持和确保社会公共生活的正常秩序以及人们之间的互相尊重、此谦让、友好相处、协力共事。社会公共生活准则是在数百年、数千年来的长期社会生活实践中形成和展起来的,它表现为一个民族以至整个人类相当稳定的传统风尚和行为惯例(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9502523-9846053.html)。概括起来,它是指一个社会或民族的全体居民共同承认、共同遵守的最简单最起码的行为要求和道德准则。它是在人类公共生活的实践中产生的,即“多少世纪以来人们就知道的、千百年来,在一切行为守则上反复谈判的,起码的公共生活准则”。如诚实、守信、互相尊重、礼貌待人、爱护公物等,是人们在长期的社会生活实践中形成的,对社会生活的正常秩序和人们之间的相互关系起维系和保障作用。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9502523-9846053.html


1. 例如,伊莱•扎瑞斯基(Eli Zaretsky)认为 ,家务劳动是为了资本主义而进行的无偿劳动。这为我们的公共生活和私人生活划出了界线,并且我们把它们当做是与不同性别相关的领域。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:198

1. Eli Zaretsky, for example, held that housework was unpaid work on behalf of capitalism, which divided our public life from our private, such that we regarded each as spheres associated with a different gender. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 127.

2. 但是,苏维埃作为民众意志的体现也未能维持多久,内战和公共生活的军事化很快就使苏维埃政权黯然失色了。反对党的生存本身也逐步受到威胁。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:100

2. But neither did the Soviet last long as an expression of popular will: the Civil War and the militarisation of public life soon led to the eclipse of Soviet power. The very existence of opposition parties was also gradually threatened. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 109.

3. 说到这里,我们需要自省的问题是,马克思错了吗?历史唯物主义错了吗?鲍德里亚此处对历史唯物主义的批评,基于他那来自莫斯——巴塔耶的原始象征交换的社会生活准则,他认为人与人之间、人与自然之间最质朴的原初关系被功利性的生产上手性(广松涉更精道地将其日译为“用在性”)根本替代了,人类社会中存在的一切都笼罩在交换价值体系的阴影之下,人的存在丧失了自己最本真的、无效用的快乐生存状态。这是他用以反对历史唯物主义的理论背景。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:235

3. Here, we have to ask ourselves: Is Marx wrong? Is historical materialism wrong? Baudrillard’s criticism of historical materialism stems from his primitive social guidelines based on the Mauss-Bataille symbolic exchange. He thinks that the simple original relations between people, between man and nature, are completely replaced by the utilitarian productive readiness-to-hand. Everything regarding human social existence is shrouded in the shadow of exchange value; man’s existence is deprived of the most authentic, non-useful happy status of survival. This is his theoretical foundation which he relies on to oppose historical materialism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 314-315.


例句 1:
As a kind of social ideology, morality is the total norms of behavior used to adjust the relationship between people as well as the relation between individual and society. As a criterion of social public life, it mainly relies on public awareness, traditions, education habits and the power of beliefs to sustain and implement.

例句 2:
We Should discriminate the concept of social morality’s original history strictly, clear and definate the relationships between social morality and public social criterim, morality, personal morality, civism and those concerned concept, reveal the basic structure and deep connotation of social morality wholly and completely. That’s all the precondition to grasp the characteristics of social morality’s theoretical system and to improve the college students’ social morality.

例句 3:





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