

字词 全国人民代表大会


the National People’s Congress (NPC)


[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 40.
[2]National People’s Congress. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_People%27s_Congress






1. 在党与群众的关系中,最为引人关注的一个事实是,居于高位的党的上层握有决策大权,相比之下,像全国人民代表大会这样与党组织相对的国家机关则没有多少实权。而在党内,重大的决定要由政治局常委会作出。政治局由全体中央委员会选举产生。而中央委员会只是偶尔开开会,例如从1962年9月到1966年8月,中央委员会连一次会议也未召开过。有时召集起来也是为了追溯性地批准政治局已经作出、并执行了很长时间的重要决定。党的代表大会也是如此,1945年至1969 年间只开过一次会。党的最高层的所有商议活动都笼罩在密不透风的神秘面纱之下,这就使得任何民主参与形式难以兑现。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:235

1. The most striking fact about the relationship of the Party to the masses is the huge power of the decision-making that resides in the upper echelons of the Party. Organs of State (as opposed to the party); such as the National People’s Congress lack any real power. In the Party itself the important decisions are taken by the Standing Committee of the Politbureau. The Politbureau is elected by the full Central Committee. But the Central Committee meets only infrequently: it did not meet at all for example, from September 1962 to August 1966 and is sometimes called upon to ratify retrospectively important decisions taken by the Politbureau that have been enforced for a long time. The same applies to Party Congresses: there was only one between 1945 and 1969. Any form of participatory democracy is rendered impossible by the immense cloak of secrecy surrounding all deliberations at the top of the CCP. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 246.

2. “一个国家 ,两种制度”,我们已经讲了很多次了,全国民代表大会已经通过了这个政策。有人担心这个政策会不会变,我说不会变。核心的问题,决定的因素,是这个政策对不对。如果不对,就可能变。如果是对的,就变不了。进一步说,中国现在实行对外开放、对内搞活经济的政策,有谁改得了?如果改了,中国百分之八十的人的生活就要下降,我们就会丧失人心。我们的路走对了,人民赞成,就变不了。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:59

2. We have discussed the policy of “one country, two systems” more than once. It has been adopted by the National People’s Congress. Some people are worried that it might change. I say it will not. The crux of the matter, the decisive factor, is whether the policy is correct. If it is not, it will change; otherwise it won’t. Besides, is there anyone who can change China's current policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy? If it were changed, the living standard of 80 per cent of the Chinese population would decline, and we would lose the people’s support. If we are on the right track and enjoy the people’s support, the policy will not change. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 68-69.

3. 我们对解决香港问题所采取的政策,是国务院总理在第六届全国人民代表大会第二次会议的政府工作报告宣布的,是经大会通过的,是很严肃的事。如果现在还有人谈信心问题,对中华人民共和国、对中国政府没有信任感,那末,其他一切都谈不上了。我们相信香港人能治理好香港,不能继续让外国人统治,否则香港人也是决不会答应的。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:60-61

3. Our policy on the settlement of the Hong Kong problem was made known by the Premier of the State Council in his report on the work of the government to the Second Session of the Sixth National People’s Congress [held in May 1984], and it was approved by the congress. That shows how serious we are about it. If at this stage people are still worried about whether they can trust us, having no faith in the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Government, what’s the point of talking about anything? We are convinced that the people of Hong Kong are capable of running the affairs of Hong Kong well, and we want to see an end to foreign rule. The people of Hong Kong themselves will agree to nothing less. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 70.


例句 1:
Since 1954, the Constitution creatively established the political system of people’s congress, National People’s Congress on behalf of all the Chinese people’s will has more widely power compared to the western parliamentary countries.

例句 2:
The Central Committee of Communist Party of China (abbreviation “the CPC Central Committee”) is the hub of the CPC political decision-making system, the National People's Congress (abbreviation “NPC”) is the highest authority. Therefore, the CPC Central Committee and the NPC’s relations constitute the main axis of the New China political system, and its development and changes affect and decide the operation of the other relationships in China. Therefore, research on the CPC Central Committee and the NPC’s relationship during the first session NPC, and restore the interaction history of their relationships, to further enrich the CPC’s Ruling





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