字词 | 俄罗斯“欧亚联盟” |
释义 | 俄罗斯“欧亚联盟”【英】Russia: Eurasian Union译文来源中国关键词(“一带一路”篇):英文/中国外文出版发行事业局、中国翻译研究院、中国翻译协会著;韩清月、蔡力坚译.--北京:新世界出版社,2017:101 例句1. 2011年10月5日,时任俄罗斯总理普京在俄《消息报》发表署名文章,提出了“欧亚联盟”的发展理念。“欧亚联盟”旨在逐步融合独联体国家,打造统一的关税联盟和经济空间;通过提升独联体地区一体化的程度与层次,最终建立起拥有超国家机构的主权国家联盟。——《中国关键词》(“一带一路”篇) ,2017:100 1. The idea of a Eurasian Union was first proposed by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in an Izvestia op-ed, on October 5, 2011. It aims to integrate the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) into a customs and economic union and ultimately to build a supra-national alliance of sovereign countries.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA (The Belt and Road Initiative), 2017: 101 |
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