字词 | 生态补偿制度 |
释义 | 生态补偿制度【英】eco-compensation system译文来源中国关键词(第一辑):英文/中国外文出版发行事业局、中国翻译研究院著;韩清月、徐明强、蔡力坚译.--北京:新世界出版社,2016:147 例句1. 中共十八届三中全会《决定》提出实行生态补偿制度。生态补偿制度,是以防止生态环境破坏、增强和促进生态系统良性发展为目的,以从事对生态环境产生或可能产生影响的生产、经营、开发、利用者为对象,以生态环境整治及恢复为主要内容,以经济调节为手段,以法律为保障的新型环境管理制度。——《中国关键词》(第一辑) ,2016:146 1. The decision to establish an eco-compensation system was made by the 18th CPC Central Committee at its third plenary session. The system aims at preventing damage to the environment, and enhancing and promoting ecological conservation and protection. It targets those involved in business and other activities, including production, and exploitation and use of natural resources, that have or might have negative environmental impacts. It represents a new approach to environmental stewardship that relies on market-based mechanisms and a legal framework to promote protection and restoration of ecosystem services. —Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA (Vol.1), 2016: 147 |
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