字词 | “西苏”精神 |
释义 | “西苏”精神【英】"sisu" spirit译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-04/03/c_136180174.htm 例句1. 芬兰地处东西方文明交汇前沿,数百年来,芬兰人民在历史激荡中奋勇前行,发扬坚韧不拔的“西苏”精神,取得民族独立、国家富强的伟大成就。--《习近平在芬兰媒体发表署名文章》 1. Finland lies at the crossroads of Eastern and Western civilizations.Throughout the centuries, the Finns, with their "sisu" spirit, have forged ahead despite many vicissitudes and made remarkable achievements in national independence and prosperity. --Quoted from Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the Finnish media |
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