

字词 发挥祖国内地坚强后盾作用


let the mainland play its role as a strong supporter of the HKSAR




1. 因此,要把“一国两制”在香港特别行政区的实践继续推向前进,必须从维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,保持香港长期繁荣稳定的根本宗旨出发,全面准确理解和贯彻“一国两制”方针政策,把坚持一国原则和尊重两制差异、维护中央权力和保障特别行政区高度自治权、发挥祖国内地坚强后盾作用和提高香港自身竞争力有机结合起来,任何时候都不能偏废。——《“一国两制”在香港特别行政区的实践(上)》

1. The continued practice of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong requires that we proceed from the fundamental objectives of maintaining China’s sovereignty, security and development interests and maintaining the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong to fully and accurately understand and implement the policy of “one country, two systems,” and holistically combine upholding the principle of “one country” with respecting the difference of “two systems,” maintaining the power of the Central Government with ensuring the high degree of autonomy of the HKSAR, and letting the mainland play its role as a strong supporter of the HKSAR with improving the competitive edge of Hong Kong. In no circumstance should we do one thing and neglect the other.—Quoted from The Practice of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (I)





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