字词 | 印度“季风计划” |
释义 | 印度“季风计划”【英】India: Project Mausam译文来源中国关键词(“一带一路”篇):英文/中国外文出版发行事业局、中国翻译研究院、中国翻译协会著;韩清月、蔡力坚译.--北京:新世界出版社,2017:107 例句1. “季风计划”是印度莫迪政府尝试“借古谋今”的一种外交战略新构想,设想在从南亚次大陆到整个环印度洋的广大区域内,打造以印度为主导的环印度洋地区互利合作新平台。——《中国关键词》(“一带一路”篇) ,2017:106 1. Project Mausam is a foreign policy initiative of the Indian government under Narendra Modi. It envisions a new platform for cooperation in the vast area extending from the South Asian subcontinent to other parts of the Indian Ocean littoral, in which India will play the leading role.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA (The Belt and Road Initiative), 2017: 107 |
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