

释义 ɡāo
1.跟“低”相反 antonym of dī. 1.由下到上距离远的 high; tall:~山 gāoshān a high mountain/ ~楼大厦 gāolóu-dàshà high buildings and large mansions 2.等级在上的 of a high level or degree:~年级学生 gāoniánjí xuésheng students of senior grades; senior students/ ~等学校 gāoděng xuéxiào colleges and universities; tertiary schools 3. 在一般标准或平均程度之上 above the average in standard or degree:质量~ zhìliàng gāo good quality/ ~速度 gāosùdù high speed/ ~价 gāojià high price 4.声音响亮 loud:~歌 gāogē chant in a loud voice/ ~声 gāoshēng a loud voice [高低 -dī]1.高低的程度 (degree of) height 2.优劣 relative superiority or inferiority 3.深浅轻重(指说话或做事) sense of propriety:不知~~ bùzhī gāodī not know what's proper 4.到底,终究 at long last:~~做好了 gāodī zuòhǎo le get it finished at long last 5.无论如何 on any account; simply: 再三请求,他~~不答应 Zàisān qǐngqiú, tā gāodī bù dāying. He simply refused to agree despite our repeated request.
2.敬辞 term of respect:~见(高明的见解) gāojiàn your brilliant idea; your insightful opinion/ ~寿(问老人的年纪) gāoshòu your venerable age[高山族 -shānzú]我国少数民族 the Gaoshan Nationality, an ethnic minority in China.




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