

释义 (陽)yánɡ
1.明亮 bright
2.跟“阴”相对 antonym of yīn:1.阳性,男性的 masculine; male 2.太阳 the sun:~历 yánglì solar calendar/ ~光 yángguāng sunlight, sunshine 3.带正电的 positive:~电 yángdiàn positive electricity/ ~极 yángjí positive pole 4.山的南面,水的北面(多用于地名) south of a hill or north of a river (usu. used in place names):衡~(地名,在湖南省衡山之南) Héngyáng Hengyang (a place situated on the south of Mount Heng, Hunan Province)/ 洛~(地名,在河南省洛河之北) Luòyáng Luoyang City (a city in Henan Province, situated on the north of the Luo River) 5.外露的,明显的 open; obvious:~沟 yánggōu open drain; ditch/ ~奉阴违 yángfèng-yīnwéi comply in public but oppose in private 6.凸出的 in relief:~文图章 yángwén túzhāng seals, stamps cut in relief 7.关于活人的(迷信) belonging to this world(of superstition):~间 yángjiān this world
3.男性生殖器 male genitals; male sex organ
4.〈古 arch.〉同“佯” Same as “佯”




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