释义 |
阿 ē ㄜ 1.迎合,偏袒 play up to; pander to:~附 ēfù fawn on and echo/ ~其所好 ēqí-suǒhào play up to sb's whims; pander to sb's weakness/ ~谀逢迎 ēyú-féngyíng flatter and toady to; fawn upon 2.凹曲处 lowl-ying place:山~ shān'ē col[阿胶 -jiāo]中药名,用驴皮加水熬成的胶,有滋补养血的作用,原产山东省东阿 E-gelatin, a traditional Chinese tonic that is made by boiling donkey's hide in water and can nourish the blood (named after its place of origin-Dong E County of Shandong Province) ā |