

释义 (陰、*隂)yīn
1.黑暗 dark
2.云彩遮住太阳或月、星 overcast; clouds completely blotting out the sun, the moon, or stars:天~了 Tiān yīn le. It is becoming cloudy.
3.跟“阳”相对 antonym of yáng 1.阴性,女性的 negative; feminine 2.太阴,月亮 the moon:~历 yīnlì lunar calendar 3.带负电的 negative:~电 yīndiàn negative electricity/ ~极 yīnjí negative pole 4.水的南面,山的北面(多用于地名) south of a river or north of a hill (usu. used in place names):蒙~(地名,在山东省蒙山之北):Méng-yīn Mengyin (a place situated on the north of the Mount Meng in Shandong Province)/ 江~(地名,在江苏省长江之南)Jiāngyīn Jiangyin (a place in Jiangsu Province, lying on the south of the Yangtse River) 5.暗,不露出来的 hidden; secret:~沟 yīngōu sewer; covered drain 6.凹下的 in intaglio:~文图章 yīnwén túzhāng a seal with characters (or designs) cut in intaglio 7.关于人死后的或鬼魂的(迷信) (of superstition) of the nether world or ghosts:~宅 yīnzhái grave; tomb/ ~间 yīnjiān the nether world; the Hades
4.(-儿 -r)光线被东西遮住所成的影 shade, slight darkness from direct light made by sth. blocking it:树~儿 shùyīnr shade of a tree/ 背~ bèiyīnr (a spot) entirely shaded from the sun
5.背面 the back side:碑~ bēiyīn the back of a stone tablet
6.诡诈,不光明 crafty; cunning:~谋诡计 yīnmóu-guǐjì intrigues and plots [阴险 -xiǎn]险诈,狡诈 sinister; treacherous
7.生殖器 private parts (esp. of the female)




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