

释义 jià
1.把车套在牲口身上 harness; draw (a cart, etc):~辕 jiàyuán pull a cart or carriage from between the shafts; be hitched up/ ~轻就熟(喻担任熟悉的事) jià-qīng-jiùshú fig. do a familiar job with ease; handle a job with ease because of previous experience
2.古代车乘的总称 a general term for vehicles in ancient times/ 敬辞 (a term of respect) you:劳~ láojià would you please ...; excuse me/ 大~光临 dàjià guānglín You honour us with your presence.
3.特指帝王的车,借指帝王 the emperor's cart, referring to the emperor:~崩(帝王死去) jiàbēng (of an emperor) pass away; die
4.操纵,使开动 drive; operate:~飞机 jià fēijī pilot a plane/ ~驶员 jiàshǐyuán driver (of a vehicle); pilot (of a plane) [驾驭 -yù]驱使车马行进或停止 drive, move or stop a cart or a horse ext. 1.旧指对人员的管理和使用 (early use) control or use personnel 2.控制,支配 control; master




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