释义 |
付fù ㄈㄨヽ 1.交,给 hand over to; pay:~款 fùkuǎn pay a sum of money/ ~印 fùyìn send to the press/ ~表决 fù biǎojué put to the vote/ ~诸实施 fù zhū shíshī put into effect/ ~出了辛勤的劳动 fùchūle xīnqín de láodòng put in a lot of hard work 2.量词 meas. 1.同“副 4.” Same as “副 4.”:一~手套 yī fù shǒutào a pair of gloves/ 一~笑脸 yī fù xiàoliǎn a smiling face 2.同“服 ” Same as “服 ”. |