释义 |
领lǐnɡ ㄌㄧㄥˇ 1.颈,脖子 neck:引~而望 yǐnlǐng ér wàng crane one's neck to look into the distance (fig. look forward to sth. eagerly) 2.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)衣服围绕脖子的部分 collar; neckband ext. 事物的纲要 outline; main point:不得要~ bùdé yàolǐng unable to grasp the key points [领袖 -xiù] trans. 国家、政治团体、群众组织等的高级领导人 high-ranking leader (of a country, a political organization, an organization of the masses, etc.) 3.带,引,率 lead; usher:( comb. 带- dài- lead, 率- shuài- lead; head):~队 lǐngduì lead a group; the leader of a group, sports team, etc./ ~头 lǐngtóur take the lead; be the first to do sth. 4.领有的,管辖的 have jurisdiction over; be in possession of:~海 lǐnghǎi territorial waters; territorial sea/ ~空 lǐngkōng territorial sky; territorial air (space) [领土 -tǔ]一个国家所领有的陆地、领水(包括领海、河流湖泊等)和领空 territory: land, waters (including territorial sea, river, lakes, etc.) and air space ruled by one government 5.接受,取得 receive; get:~教 lǐngjiào receive instructions/ ~款 lǐngkuǎn receive funds; draw money 6.了解,明白 understand; comprehend:~会(对别人的意思有所理解) lǐnghuì understand; comprehend/ ~悟 lǐngwù comprehend; grasp 7.量词 meas. 1.用于衣服 for clothes:一~青衫 yī lǐng qīngshān a black shirt 2.用于席、箔等 for mats, foil, etc.:一~席 yī lǐng xí a mat/ 一~箔 yī lǐng bó a piece of foil |