

释义 dùn
1.很短时间的停止 a short pause ( comb. 停- tíng- pause):抑扬~挫 yìyáng-dùncuò modulation in tone/念到这个地方应该~一下 Niàndào zhège dìfɑng yīnggāi dùn yīxiàr. Pause for a while when you come to the lines here.
2.忽然,立刻,一下子 suddenly; immediately:~悟 dùnwù be suddenly enlightened/ ~时紧张起来 dùnshí jǐnzhāng qilɑi become nervous immediately
3.叩,碰 touch the ground with one's head:~首 dùnshǒu touch the ground with one's head trans. 跺 stamp:~足 dùnzú stamp one's feet
4.处理,放置 handle; place:整~ zhěngdùn arrange properly/ 安~ āndùn help settle down
5.书法上指运笔用力向下而暂不移动 (in calligraphy) pause in writing in order to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke
6.疲乏 tired; exhausted:劳~ láodùn fatigued/ 困~ kùndùn tired out
7.量词,次 meas. time:一天三~饭 yī tiān sān dùn fàn three meals a day/ 说了一~ shuōle yī dùn gave sb a dressing down/ 打了他一~ dǎle tā yī dùn gave him a good beating
8.姓 a surname




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