释义 |
组zǔ ㄗㄨˇ 1.结合,构成 organize; form:~成一队 zǔchéng yī duì form a team/ 改~ gǎizǔ reorganize [组织 -zhī]1.有目的、有系统、有秩序地结合起来 organize, arrange parts so as to form a purposeful, systematic, and orderly whole:~~群众 zǔzhī qúnzhòng organize the masses 2.按照一定的政治目的、任务和系统建立起来的集体 organization; organized system, established according to certain political aim, task and principle:党团~~ dǎng-tuán zǔzhī Party and Youth League organizations 3.有机体中由形状、性质和作用相同的若干细胞结合而成的单位 tissue, a unit in an organism made up of cells that are like in form and nature:神经~~ shénjīng zǔzhī nerve tissue/ ~~疗法 zǔzhī liáofǎ tissue therapy; histotherapy 2.由若干人员结合成的单位 group formed by several members:学习小~ xuéxí xiǎozǔ a study group 3.合成一体的(文学艺术作品) ( of literary and art works) set; series:~诗 zǔshī a set of poems/ ~画 zǔhuà a series of paintings |