

释义 shànɡ
1.位置在高处的,跟“下”相反 in an upper position; above; opposite to "xià":山~ shān shɑng up in the mountain; hill-top/ ~面 shàngmiɑn above; over; on top of ext. 1.次序在前的 first:~篇 shàngpiān first sections; first chapters/ ~卷 shàngjuàn first volume/ ~星期 shàng xīngqī last week 2.等级高的 higher; superior:~等 shàngděng first-class; first-rate/ ~级 shàngjí higher level; higher authorities 3.质量高的,好的 superior in quality; good:~策 shàngcè first choise; the best way out/ ~等货 shàngděnghuò first-class goods
2.由低处到高处 go up; ascend:~山 shàng shān climb up a mountain/ ~楼 shàng lóu go upstairs ext. 1.去,到 go to; leave for:你~哪儿? Nǐ shàng nǎr? Where are you going?/ ~北京 shàng Běijīng I'm leaving for Beijing./ ~街去 shàngjiē qu go downtown 2.向前进 march forward; go ahead:同志们快~啊! Tóngzhìmen kuài shàng a! March forward quickly, comrades! 3.进呈 submit some opinions to ...:~书 shàngshū submit a written statement to a higher authority; send in a memorial/ 谨~(用在信函的最后,署名之前) jǐnshàng sincerely yours
3.增加 increase; add:1.添补 add:~水 shàngshuǐ feed water to a steam engine, etc.; fill sth. with water/ ~货 shànghuò get in stocks; replenish stocks 2.安装 install; insert:~刺刀 shàng cìdāo fix bayonet/ ~螺丝 shàng luósī drive in a screw 3.涂上 spread on; apply:~颜色 shàng yánsè colour/ ~药 shàng yào apply ointment; apply medical liquid 4.登载,记上 register:~报 shàngbào appear in the newspapers; report to a higher body/ ~光荣榜 shàng guāngróngbǎng enter the honour roll/ ~账 shàngzhàng make an entry in an account book; enter sth. in an account
4.按规定时间进行某种活动 be engaged in an activity at a fixed time:~课 shàngkè attend class; go to class/ ~班 shàngbān go to work
5.拧紧发条 tighten a spring:~弦 shàngxián tighten the spring of; wind (up)/ 表该~了 Biǎo gāi shàng le. The watch needs winding.
6.放在名词后 used after a noun:1.表示在中间 within:半路~ bànlù shɑng on the way/ 心~ xīnshɑng in one's mind 2.表示方面 in (some aspect):领导~ lǐngdǎo shɑng by the authorities/ 理论~ lǐlùn shɑng in theory 3.表示在某一物体的表面 on the surface of an object:车~ chē shɑng in the car/ 墙~ qiáng shɑng on th wall/ 桌子~ zhuōzi shɑng on the table 4.表示在某一事物的范围内 within (a certain area):会~ huì shɑng at the meeting/ 书~ shū shɑng in the book
7.在动词后,表示完成 used after a verb, indicating completion of an action:选~代表 xuǎnshɑng dàibiǎo be elected as a representative/ 排~队 páishɑng duì line up; join in a queue
8.在动词后 used after a verb:1.跟“来”、“去”连用,表示趋向 used along with "lái and qù", indicating tendency:骑~去 qí shɑngqu mount (up)/ 爬~来 pá shɑnglɑi climb up 2.表示要求达到的目标或已达到目标 indicating a goal reached or to be reached:锁~锁 suǒshɑng suǒ lock a door/ 沏~茶 qīshɑng chá make tea/ 考~大学 kǎoshɑng dàxué be admitted to a university
9.达到一定程度或数量 up to; as many as:成千~万 chéngqiān-shàngwàn thousands of
10.旧时乐谱记音符号的一个,相当于简谱的“1” a note of the scale in early times, corresponding to "1" in numbered musical notation
12.(又 shǎng)上声,汉语四声之一。普通话上声的调子是拐弯的, 先降低再升高, 符号作“ˇ” ( also shǎng) rising tone, the second of the four tones in classical Chinese pronunciation, equal to the falling-rising tone in modern Chinese pronunciation; symbol: “ˇ”




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