

1.站 stand:~正 lìzhèng stand at attention ext. 竖着,竖起来 set or stand sth. up; erect:~柜 lìguì clothes closet; wardrobe/ 把伞~在门后头 Bǎ sǎn lì zài mén hòutou. Stand the umbrella behind the door [立方 -fāng]1.六面都是方形的形体 cube, a solid object with 6 equal sides 2.数学上称一数自乘三次 cube, the number produced by multiplying a number by itself twice [立体 -tǐ]几何学上称有长、宽、厚的形体 (in geometry) solid, an object with length, width, and height [立场 -chǎng]1.认识和处理问题时所处的地位和所抱的态度 position and attitude one holds in understanding and dealing with a problem 2.特指阶级立场 (esp. of class) stand; stand-point:~~坚定 lìchǎng jiāndìng be steadfast in one's stand; take a firm stand
2.做出,定出 set up; establish 1.建立,设立 found; build:~碑 lì bēi set up (or erect) a monument/ 建~工厂 jiànlì gōngchǎng set up a factory 2.建树 make a contribution:~功 lìgōng make contributions; render meritorious service 3.制定 draw up; conclude:~合同 lì hétong conclude (or sign) a contract 4.决定 make decisions:~志 lìzhì resolve; be determined
3.存在,生存 exist; live:自~ zìlì earn one's own living; support oneself/ 独~ dúlì independent; on one's own
4.立刻,立时,马上,即刻 immediately; instantaneously:~行停止 lì xíng tíngzhǐ stop (or call off sth.) immediately/ ~即去做 lìjí qù zuò do sth. at once




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