释义 |
问wèn ㄨㄣヽ 1.有不知道或不明白的请人解答 ask; inquire:到~事处去~一~ Dào wènshìchù qù wèn yī wèn. ask at the information desk; ask at the inquiry office [问题 -tí]1.要求回答或解释的题目 question 2.尚待解决或弄不明白的事 problem 2.慰问 convey greetings to:~候 wènhòu send one's regards to; extend greetings to 3.审讯,追究 interrogate; examine:~口供 wèn kǒugòng interrogate (the accused) ext. 问罪,惩办 denounce; condemn:胁从不~ xiécóng bùwèn The intimidated followers are not to be condemned. or Those who are forced to commit a crime will not be charged. 4.管,干预 be responsible for; intervene:概不过~ gài bù guòwèn concern oneself with nothing |