释义 |
闷 mēn ㄇㄣ 1.因空气不流通而引起的不舒服的感觉 stuffy; close:天气~热 Tiānqì mēnrè. It's sultry./ 这屋子矮,又没有窗子,太~了 Zhè wūzi ǎi, yòu méiyǒu chuāngzi, tài mēn le. The house is low and doesn't have a window, so that it's too stuffy here. 2.呆在家里不出门 shutoneself indoors:一个人总~在家里,心胸就不开阔了 Yī ge rén zǒng mēn zài jiāli, xīnxiōng jiù bù kāikuò le. If one always shuts himself indoors, he will be narrow-minded. 3.密闭 cover tightly:茶刚泡上,~一会儿再喝 Chá gāng pào shɑng, mēn yī huìr zài hē. The tea has just been made, let it draw for a while before drinking. 4.〈方 dial.〉声音不响亮 (of sound) muffled:这人说话~声~气 Zhè rén shuōhuà mēnshēng-mēnqì. This man speaks in a muffled voice. mèn |