

释义 chuí
1.东西一头挂下来 hang down:~杨柳 chuíyángliǔ weeping willow/ ~钓 chuídiào fish with a hook and line; go angling/ ~涎(喻羡慕) chuíxián drool; covet (fig. envy) 敬辞 term of respect:~询 chuíxún condescend to inquire into sth./ ~念 chuíniàn concern from an elder or a superior [垂直 -zhí]几何学上指两根直线、两个平面或一根直线和一个平面相交成直角 vertical. In geometry, if two lines, two planes, or a line and a plane form an angle of 90 degrees, the two are vertical with each other.
2.传下去,传留后世 hand down; bequeath to posterity:永~不朽 yǒngchuí-bùxiǔ be immortal/ 名~千古 míngchuí-qiāngǔ be crowned with eternal glory
3.接近,快要 approaching; nearing:~危 chuíwēi be critically ill/ 功败~成(快要成功的时候遭到失败) gōngbài-chuíchéng fail on the verge of success; suffer defeat when victory is within reach




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