

1.古代指儿女,现在专指儿子 sons and daughters in ancient times, but now only sons [子弟 -dì]后辈人,年轻人 children; juniors
2.对人的称呼 person 1.一般的人 ordinary person:男~ nánzǐ man/ 女~ nǚzǐ woman 2.旧称某种行(háng)业的人 people in certain professionin former times:士~ shìzǐ soldier; armyman/ 舟~ zhōuzǐ boatman 3.古代指著书立说,代表一个流派的人 ancient title of respect for a learned man who wrote books and established theory, representing a school of thought:荀~ Xúnzǐ Master Xun/ 诸~百家 zhūzǐ-bǎijiā the various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty 4.古代图书四部(经、史、子、集)分类法中的第三类 the third of the four traditional categories of Chinese writings (jīng[Confucian classics], shǐ[history], zǐ[philosophy], jí[belles-letters]), the philosophical works:~部 zǐbù works of philosophers/ ~书 zǐshū philosophical works 5.古代对对方的敬称,和现代汉语中代词“你”用法一样 (a term of respect) you, same as the pronoun nǐ in modern Chinese:~试为之 zǐ shì wéi zhī You can have a try./ 以~之矛,攻~之盾 Yǐ zǐ zhī máo, gōng zǐ zhī dùn. Set your own spear against your own shield (or refute sb with his own argument). 6.古代称老师 an ancient address for teacher:~墨子 zǐ Mòzǐ My teacher is Mozi. [子虚 -xū] trans. 虚无的,不实在的 fictitious; unreal:事属~~ shì shǔ zǐxū It is sheer fiction.
3.(-儿 -r)植物的种子 seeds of plants:菜~ càizǐ vegetable seeds/ 莲~ liánzǐ lotus seeds/ 桐~ tóngzǐ tung tree seed/ 瓜~儿 guāzǐr melon seeds/ 结~ jiēzǐ bear seed
4.(-儿 -r)动物的卵 egg:鱼~ yúzǐ roe/ 鸡~儿 jīzǐr (hen's) egg/ 蚕~ cánzǐ silkworm egg/ 下~儿 xiàzǐr give birth to young; lay eggs
5.幼小的 young:~鸡 zǐjī chick/ ~姜 zǐjiāng tender ginger
6.派生的,附属的 derived; subsidiary; attached:~金 zǐjīn interest (paid for the use of money)/ ~公司 zǐgōngsī subsidiary company; subsidiary [子音 -yīn]见“辅”字条“辅音” See fǔyīn under entry of fǔ
7.地支的第一位 the first of the twelve Earthly Branches
8.子时,指夜里十一点到一点 the period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. [子夜 -yè]深夜 midnight
9.我国古代五等爵位的第四等 viscount, the fourth in the rank of nobility in ancient China
10.(zi)名词后缀 a noun suffix:1.加在名词性词素后 used after a noun:孩~ háizi children/ 珠~ zhūzi pearl; bead/ 桌~ zhuōzi table/ 椅~ yǐzi chair 2.加在形容词或动词性词素后 used after an adjective or verb:胖~ pàngzi a fat person/ 拐~ guǎizi cripple/ 瞎~ xiāzi blind man/ 乱~ luànzi disturbance; trouble/ 垫~ diànzi mat; cushion
12.(zi)个别量词后缀 suffix of some measure word:一档~事 yī dàngzi shì a thing/ 打了两下~门 dǎle liǎng xiàzi mén knock at the door twice




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