

释义 (質)zhì
1.本体,本性 nature; character:物~wùzhì material/ 流~ liúzhì liquid/ 铁~ tiězhì iron/ 问题的实~ wèntí de shízhì the essence of the problem [质量 -liàng]1.产品或工作的优劣程度 quality, degree of goodness of product or service:提高~~ tígāo zhìliàng improve the quality 2.物理学上指物体所含物质的量 mass, (of physics) the quantity or amount of matter in a body [质子 -zǐ]原子核内带有正电的粒子,如氢原子核 proton, positively charged particle in an atomic nucleus, such as atomic nuclei of hydrogen [本质 běn-]与“现象”相对,指事物的内在联系,是这一事物和其他事物相区别的根本属性。它是由事物内部矛盾所规定的 essence, intrinsic quality, antonym of "xiànxiàng(phenomenon)", the intrinsic relations of things and the essential quality that distinguishes one thing from others; decided by the inherent contraditions of things
2.朴实 simple; plain ( comb. -朴 -pǔ plain)
3.依据事实来问明或辨别是非 question, find out or make clear the truth according to facts:~问 zhìwèn interrogate/ ~疑 zhìyí call in question/ ~之高明 zhì zhī gāomíng call his cleverness in Question
4.抵押,抵押品 pawn; pledge




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