

释义 huǒ
1.东西燃烧时所发的光和焰 fire, light and flame; condition of burning fig. 紧急 urgent; pressing:~速 huǒsù at top speed; posthaste/ ~急 huǒjí urgent
2.指枪炮弹药 firearms; ammunition:军~ jūnhuǒ munitions/ ~器 huǒqì firearm/ 开~ kāihuǒ open fire [火药 -yào]炸药的一类,主要用作燃药或发射药。是我国古代四大发明之一 gunpowder, explosive powder used chiefly in guns and fireworks, which is one of the four great inventions of ancient China [火线 -xiàn]1.两军交战枪炮子弹交接的地带 battle (or firing, front) line:轻伤不下~~ qīngshāng bù xià huǒxiàn refuse to leave the front though having minor wounds 2.从电源输送电的导线 live wire
3.红色的 red:~狐 huǒhú red fox/ ~鸡 huǒjī turkey
4.古代军队的组织,十个人为一“火” a union in ancient army (1 huo equals 10 men) [火伴 -bàn]同“伙伴”,见“伙”字条 Same as 伙伴. See entry huǒ.
5.中医指引起发炎、红肿、烦躁等症状的病因 (in Chinese medicine) internal heat, a diseased cause that leads to inflammation, red and swollenness, fidgets, etc.:上~ shànghuǒ suffer from excessive internal heat/ 败~ bàihuǒ relieve inflammation or internal heat
6.(-儿 -r)怒气 anger; temper:好大的~儿 Hǎo dà de huǒr! What a temper!
7.(-儿 -r)发怒 be angry:他~儿了 Tā huǒr le. He flared up.
8.兴隆,旺盛 prosperous; brisk:生意很~ Shēngyi hěn huǒ. Business is very brisk.




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