释义 |
台( 1. 3. 6.臺、 4.檯、 5.颱) tái ㄊㄞ 1.高平的建筑物 platform; stage:戏~ xìtái stage/ 讲~ jiǎngtái platform; rostrum/ 主席~ zhǔxítái rostrum; platform/ 楼阁亭~ lóugé-tíngtái tower and pavilion ext. 1.(-儿 -r)像台的东西 something resembling a platform:井~ jǐngtáir well-platform/ 窗~儿 chuāngtáir windowsill 2.器物的座子 stand or support of an article:灯~ dēngtái lampstand/ 蜡~ làtái candlestick 2.敬辞 your, a respectful expression:~鉴 táijiàn for your inspection (used after the name in the salutation of a business letter)/ ~启 táiqǐ for your information (used after the name of the addressee on an envelope)/ 兄~ xiōngtái elder brother (a respectful term used in addressing a male friend) 3.量词 meas. word:唱一~戏 chàng yī tái xì put on a performance/ 一~机器 yī tái jīqì a machine 4.桌子,案子 desk; table:写字~ xiězìtái writing desk/ 柜~ guìtái counter; bar 5.[台风 -fēng]发生在太平洋西部热带海洋上的一种极猛烈的风暴,中心附近风力常达12级以上,同时有暴雨 typhoon, a very violent tropical storm in the western Pacific,sometimes accompanied by rainstorm, often with wind above force-12 near the centre 6.台湾省的简称 short for Taiwan Province tāi |