

1.得到 obtain ( comb. 获- huò- gain):大~人心 dà dé rénxīn be very popular; enjoy popular support/ ~奖 déjiǎng win a prize/ ~胜 déshèng win a victory ext. 遇到 have; get:~空(kòng) dékòngr have leisure; be free/ ~便 débiàn when it's convenient
2.适合 fit; proper:~当(dàng) dédàng apt; proper; suitable/ ~法 défǎ get the knack/ ~手(顺利) déshǒu go smoothly; do fine/ ~劲 déjìn feel well
3.得意,满意 satisfied; pleased:扬扬自~ yángyáng-zìdé be very much pleased with oneself
4.完成 accomplish; finish:衣服做~了 Yīfu zuò dé le. The clothes have been made./ 饭~了 Fàn dé le. Dinner is ready.
5.用于某种语气 expressing certain tones 1.表示禁止 expressing no:~了,别说了 Dé le, bié shuō le. That's enough. Let it go at that. 2.表示同意 expressing approval:~,就这么办 Dé, jiù zhème bàn. All right, just do it this way. 3.表示无可奈何 expressing helplessness:~,今天又迟到了 Dé, jīntiān yòu chídào le. Oh, dear! I'm late again today.
6.可以,许可 permit; allow: 不~随地吐痰 Bùdé suídì tǔtán. No spitting./ 正式代表均~参加表决 Zhèngshì dàibiǎo jūn dé cānjiā biǎojué. Every full member should take part in the vote. děi de




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