释义 |
德(*惪)dé ㄉㄜ 1.好的品行 good conduct:~才兼备 décái-jiānbèi have both ability and integrity 2.道德,人们共同生活及其行为的准则、规范 morals, principles and standards that people abide by in their life and action in the public:公~ gōngdé public morality; social ethics 3.信念 heart; mind:同心同~ tóngxīn-tóngdé be of one heart and one mind; be dedicated to the same cause 4.恩惠 favor:感恩戴~ gǎn'ēn-dàidé be deeply grateful 5.指德国 Germany[德昂族 -ángzú]原名“崩龙族”,我国少数民族 the De'ang Nationality, formerly called the Benglong Nationality, an ethnic minority in China.繶 |