释义 |
律lǜ ㄌㄩヽ 1.法则,规章 law; rule [律诗 -shī]一种诗体,有一 定的格律和字数,分五言、七言两种 regulated verse, a poem of eight lines of five or seven characters or syllables each [规律 guī-]事物之间的内在的必然的联系,也叫“法则”。它具有十分明显的重复性。它决定事物发展的必然趋向,是不以人的主观意志为转移的 law; regular pattern, the logical connection between subjects showing an obvious repetition that decides the way in which sth. happens or develops, usu. independent of man's will; also called "fǎzé" [一律 yī-]同样,没有例外 same; without exception 2.约束 restrain; keep under control:严于~己 yán yú lǜ jǐ be strict with oneself; exercise strict self-discipline 3.我国古代审定乐音高低的标准,把声音分为六律(阳律)和六吕(阴律),合称十二律 a series of 12 pitch-pipes used in ancient music, classifying sounds into six lǜ and six lǚ, collectively called the twelve lǜ |