

释义 (會) huì
1.聚合,合拢,合在一起 get together; assemble:在哪儿~合 Zài nǎr huìhé? Where shall we meet?/ 就在这里~齐吧 Jiù zài zhèli huìqí bɑ. Let's assemble here./ ~审 huìshěn joint hearing (or trial); make a joint check-up (of some bill, etc.)/ ~话(对面说话) huìhuà conversation [会师 -shī]从不同地方前进的军队,在某一个地方聚合在一起 (of forces marching from different places) join at a certain place
2.多数人的集合 (of a majority of people) gathering 1.有一定目的的集会 meeting:纪念~ jìniànhuì commemoration meeting/ 群众大~ qúnzhòng dàhuì mass rally/ 开个~ kāi ge huì hold a meeting 2.指某些团体 certain unions or associations:工~ gōnghuì trade (or labour) union/ 学生~ xuéshēnghuì student union; student association
3.城市(通常指行政中心) city or capital (usu. administrative center):都~ dūhuì capital/ 省~ shěnghuì provincial capital
4.彼此见面 meet; see:~客 huìkè receive a visitor/ ~一~面 huì yī huì miàn come and meet/ 你~过他没有 Nǐ huìguo tā méiyǒu? Have you ever met him?
5.付钱 pay; foot:~账 huìzhàng pay (or foot) a bill/ 饭钱我~过了 Fànqiɑn wǒ huì guo le. I've payed for the meal.
6.理解,领悟,懂 understand; grasp:误~ wùhuì misunderstand; mistake/ ~意 huìyì understanding; knowing/ 领~ lǐnghuì understand; comprehend
7.能 can; be able to 1.表示懂得怎样做或有能力做 can; be able to:他~游泳 Tā huì yóuyǒng. He can swim. 2.可能 may:我想他不~不懂 Wǒ xiǎng tā bùhuì bù dǒng. I don't think he may not understand it. 3.能够 be likely to; be sure to:我们的理想一定~实现 Wǒmen de lǐxiǎng yīdìng huì shíxiàn. We will surely realize our ideals. 4.善于 be good at; be skilful in:能说~道 néngshuō-huìdào have a gift of the gab; a talkative penson
8.机会,时机,事情变化的一个时间 opportunity; occasion:适逢其~ shìféngqíhuì happen to be present at the right moment/ 趁着这个机~ chènzhe zhège jīhuì take this opportunity
9.(-儿 -r)一小段时间 a moment:一~儿 yīhuìr a little while; a moment/ 这~儿 zhèhuìr now; for the moment/ 那~儿 nàhuìr then; at that time/ 多~儿 duōhuìr when; ever/ 用不了多大~儿 Yòngbuliǎo duōdàhuìr. It will not take a long time. kuài




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