

释义 jiè
1.在两者中间 interpose; put or come between:~乎两者之间 jièhū liǎngzhě zhījiān be between the two [介绍 -shào]使两方发生关系 introduce, make the two come into contact with each other:~~人 jièshàorén one who introduces or recommends sb; sponsor/ ~~工作 jiè-shào gōngzuò recommend sb for a job [介词 -cí]表示地点、时间、方向、方式等等关系的词,如“从、向、在、以、对于”等 preposition, any of the words used to indicate place, time direction, mode, etc, such as from, towards, in, at, by, to, etc. [介音 -yīn]字音中在主要元音前的元音,普通话有“i”“u”和“ü”三个介音 the medial or semivowel of a final, eg. "i" "u" and "ü" in the standard Chinese pronunciation
2.放在心里 mind:不必~意 bùbì jièyì Don't take it seriously. or Don't take offence.
3.正直 upright:耿~ gěngjiè upright; honest and frank
4.甲 armour; shell. 1.古代军人穿的护身衣服 strong protective covering worn by fighting men in former times:~胄在身 jièzhòu zài shēn be armoured 2.动物身上的甲壳 hard covering of an animal:~虫 jièchóng beetle
5.量词,个(用于人) meas. for people (used with personal nouns or pronouns):一~书生 yī jiè shūshēng a mere scholar
6.旧戏曲脚本里表示情态动作的词 (in old drama scripts) a word indicating motion or action:打~ dǎjiè the action of fight/ 饮酒~ yǐnjiǔjiè the motion of drinking




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