释义 |
冲( 3. 4.衝、 1. 2.**沖) chōnɡ ㄔㄨㄥ 1.用开水等浇,水流撞击 pour boiling water on:~茶 chōngchá make tea/ 用水~服 yòng shuǐ chōngfú take (the medicine) after mixing it with water/ 这道堤不怕水~ Zhè dào dī bù pà shuǐ chōng. This dyke is not likely to be smashed by water. [冲淡 -dàn]加多液体,降低浓度 dilute the solution by adding water into it fig. 使某种效果、气氛等减弱 play down certain effect or atmosphere 2.向上钻 dash upward:~入云霄 chōngrù yúnxiāo shoot up into the sky 3.通行的大道 thoroughfare:要~ yàochōng a strategically important place/ 这是~要地方 Zhè shì chōngyào dìfɑng. This is a strategically important place. 4.快速向前闯 charge forward quickly:~锋 chōngfēng charge; assault/ ~入敌阵 chōngrù dízhèn charge toward the enemy's position/ 横~直撞 héngchōng zhízhuàng push one's way by shoving or bumping [冲动 -dòng]没经过仔细思考而突然产生的情绪或行动 impulse, some feelings or actions that emerge suddenly without careful consideration [冲突 -tū]1.互相撞击或争斗 clash; conflict 2.意见不同,互相抵触 (of opinions) be ready to yield to the other 5.互相抵消 opposition:~账 chōngzhàng strike a balance chònɡ |