


MC yaeX

1. final GP in nominal (noun-predicate) sentences, indicating that one noun or noun phrase is equivalent to, or to be identified with, another; e.g. 此文王之勇也 c. wénwáng zhī yǒng yě, This is King Wen’s valor; 此五者皆生之害也 c. wǔzhě jiē shēngzhi hài yě, These five things are in all cases the bane of life.
a. having to do with, implying; e.g. 死生命也 sǐshēng mìngyě, Life and death are matters having to do with Fate; 有人天也有天亦天也 yǒu rén tiān yě, yǒu tiān yì tiān yě, That there are people has to do with heaven; that there is heaven also has to do with heaven.
b. of a certain kind, belonging to a certain category; e.g. 秦虎狼之國也 qín hǔlángzhiguó yě, Qin is a vicious tiger-like, wolf-like state; 周公何人也 zhōugōng hérén yě, The Duke of Zhou was what kind of person?
c. due to, because of, owing to; e.g. 失其民也 shī qí mín yě, because of losing [the allegiance of] his people; 是天下無人也 shì tiānxià wú rén yě, This was due to the subcelestial realm having no one else.
d. marking a VB-phrase as a nominal predicate; e.g. 封之也 fēng zhī yě, It was [a case of] enfeoffing him; 是無義無命也 shì wúyì wúmìng yě, This is dismissive of propriety and dismissive of the decree.
2. (GP) marking sentence-initial noun-phrases as topics: “as for”; e.g. 其爲人也 qí wéirén yě, as for his behaving as a person [is expected to behave]; 人性之不分於善不善也 rénxìngzhi bùfēn yú shàn bùshàn yě, as for human nature’s not distinguishing between good and bad.
a. (GP) marking sentence-initial nounphrases as temporal: “when”; e.g. 孔子之仕於魯也 kǒngzǐzhi shì yú lǔ yě, when Confucius was holding office in the state of Lu; 昔桓公之霸也 xī huángōngzhi bà yě, in the past, when Duke Huan served as hegemon.
b. (GP) marking proper names as topics: “as for”; e.g. 賜也何如 c. yě hérú, As for [me,] Ci, what am I like?; 棖也慾 chéng yě yù, As for Cheng, he is avaricious.
3. final GP in verbal sentences marking continuative aspect, i.e., ongoing or enduring conditions or circumstances, incl. enduring opinions or judgments (particularly suited to negated VB-phrases as expressing unchanged, hence ongoing, conditions); e.g. 是不可忍也 shì bùkě rěn yě, This cannot be endured; 不知其仁也 bùzhī qí rén yě, I do not know if he is humane.
a. ongoing, continuing > enduring > asserted to be true; e.g. 存危國美名也 cún wéiguó měi míng yě, sustaining an endangered state enhances one’s reputation; 國君不可戮也 guójūn bùkě lù yě, The lord of a state cannot be murdered.

棖也慾 其出人也遠矣 其爲人也奈何 其爲人也孝弟 吾少也賤

彼一時此一時也 彼丈夫也 不可以弗識也 不能一朝居也 不善不能改是吾憂也 不爲也 不知其仁也 曾不能決也 池非不深也 此文王之勇也 此五者皆生之害也 此亦飛之至也 此亦聖人之過也 存危國美名也 東日之所出也 凡人之所以爲人者禮義也 凡音之起由人心生也 方此時也 非不能也 非爾所及也 非孔子之言也 非人所能也 封之也 夫明堂者王者之堂也 弗忍虛也 夫戰者萬乘之存亡也 夫子至於是邦也 故二十取一而足也 故患有所不辟也 國君不可戮也 胡可比也 胡爲其不可以反宿也 患不知人也 回也非助我者也 或死或不死何也 及其使人也 及其壯也 今三川周室天下之市朝也 今之樂猶古之樂也 鈞是人也 君奚爲不見孟軻也 君子安可毋敬也 君子之至於斯也 孔子之仕於魯也 民以爲將拯己於水火之中也 奈何去宗廟也 乃所謂善也 女奚不曰其爲人也 其爲人也 其於我也 秦虎狼之國也 羣臣初無是言也 人性之不分於善不善也 人之於君猶子之於父母也 若夫成功則天也 喪服兄弟之子猶子也蓋引而進之也 殺一無罪非仁也 是不可忍也 是皆僻陋之國也 是可忍也 是乃仁術也 失其民也 是天下無人也 是無義無命也 死生命也 死者人之所必不免也 雖百世可知也 所惡勿施爾也 天下初定又復立國是樹兵也 天者百神之大君也 王之不王非不能也 未嘗飽也 未嘗有所不受也 唯無形者無可奈也 未有以對也 我非愛其財也 我非生而知之者也 我未之見也 我丈夫也 無惡也 無奈之何也 無是非之心非人也 無以立也 無以爲君子也 無以知人也 勿助長也 昔桓公之霸也 習相遠也 西周者故天子之國也 賢哉回也 性相近也 易水以北未有所定也 猶可見也 有人天也有天亦天也 有所受之也 由由然不忍去也 與其進也 與其奢也 與其易也 余知而無罪也 仲尼之嘆蓋嘆魯也 中土謂中國也 周勃重厚少文然安劉氏者必勃也 周公何人也 子曷爲泣也 足下猶不知也





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